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Stop Proof Stage 2 Email notification only


Former Community Member


I think the answer is no, but is there any way to stop keep email notifications on an automated proof, but don't allow it for stage 2. I want Stage 1 people to get the email, and after that, Stage 2+ people only to receive the decision email when it's ready.

Currently receiving the email to say there is a new proof ready for them to review as well, has caused confusion with some users. See below - don't need the red crossed one for stage 2.


And finally, is there any way of controlling who the emails are sent from? e.g. changing to another person or a team? 




1 Reply


Community Advisor

Hi there, you can set the proof notifications for users in each stage in the proof workflow area of the proofing site where you created the workflow...don't have to have the same proof notifications for users in stage 1 as in stage 2 as so forth. Is that what you're referring to?
As for who the email sends from, I don't think that can be customized by person like proof owner, it comes from the default WF proof email but you could perhaps do something with the send if you have Fusion, not sure on that one.

If this helped you, please mark correct to help others : )