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Projects on Hold or Canceled


Level 8
What is the best way to cancel a project or put it on hold if there are tasks in the template that are assigned with some percent complete and have logged time? If we cancel or put a project on hold, I still need to access this info, but I don't want the worker to see it on their my work page. Any suggestions or best practice for this?

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4 Replies


Level 10
You can set the project to Complete or Dead. This will remove it from the user's My Work page, and you will still have access to the existing data (as long as you check your project list filters).


Level 8
What about projects on hold where I don't want to delete any incomplete tasks but I also don't want them to appear on a user's "my work" page? Sent From My iPhone On Jul 5, 2016, at 7:52 PM, David Cornwell > wrote: You can set the project to Complete or Dead. This will remove it from the user's My Work page, and you will still have access to the existing data (as long as you check your project list filters). -----End Original Message-----


Level 10
Hi Sydney, We got this request a lot! We actually had to create our own On Hold status though and I'll explain why. The out of the box On Hold in Workfront keeps tasks on team members Working On list and doesn't tell them the project is on hold until they try to hit the Done button. So after the team member spent all day working on something did they find out the project was On Hold. So we created a custom one (we called it On Hold and changed the name of the out of box On Hold to Do Not Use). We associated it with Planning. That way it would still appear on the Projects I Own with that Active filter but let's team members know they don't need to work on a task when they see it in their Working On list. (Although I should let you know the message the team member sees is "This project is in Planning. You do not need to work on this task right now". There is no way to change that text to project is on hold.) Our team members like this so much way so much better. Hope that is helpful.


Level 9
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