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Project/Expenses/Document Report


Level 5
Hello masters of report writing, I'm trying to pull a report together for one of our clients that shows them: The project (project object) The expenses logged in on the project (expenses object) The pdf of the actual invoice that was filed into the folder. I'll be able to use a filter because we name our invoices w/the same taxonomy (documents object) is this possible???? right now I have the expense report- but just wondering if I can get documents to show up as well? Thoughts? tks Karen

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4 Replies


Level 10
Hi: While I was reading your email, I was thinking, depending on the attributes you need, yeah, you can have one report with project information on it followed by Actual Expense information. Lots of text mode SHARECOL stuff. Then I reached the .PDF requirement. Now I’m lost. I don’t know to display a document stored in the repository, in a report. Using a dashboard, you can have project information at the top, actual expense information next, and then a list of artifacts in the repository. Displaying the artifact in the report is way beyond what I can do. I’ll bet it can’t be done without custom coding, but will wait for the Text Mode experts to weight in. Thanks! Eric


Level 5
Eric- thanks for the quick response. Sorry I guess I left a bit of my thinking out. I was hoping that if I had the thumbnail to the pdf- and the client had the right permissions- they could click on the pdf and see the document? And I was thinking of setting up a dashboard......thoughts? tks Karen


Level 7
Do you need a thumbnail or just a link to the document?


Level 5
Just a link to view it would be great!