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Planned dates changing


Level 2
Hi all, Apologies if this has been raised before (my searches don't return any positive results) but I want to capture in a report those tasks that were accepted by people (Work on it) but then had the planned dates changed by the project manager. Any recommendation on how can that be achieved? Thanks in advance. Silviu Partin

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3 Replies


Level 10
Hi Silviu, To spot Tasks where the Planned Date now differs from what it was when a person accepted the work (aka the "Commit Date"), I suggest you create a Task Report with a filter that returns only those Tasks where the two dates are not equal (TIP: "to the hour/minute", under Advanced Mode on each date column), which can be accomplished in textmode like this: 1 2 plannedCompletionDate=FIELD:commitDate plannedCompletionDate_Mod=ne @Narayan Raum this would make a nice addition to your "https://wf-pro.com/textmode/" WFPro Textmode "https://wf-pro.com/textmode/text-mode-filters/#comparing-fields" FIELDS comparison tips...and (hmm) perhaps a helpful spot-the-disconnect Package... Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 2
Hi Doug, Thanks for the fast reply. Tested and it works just fine. Have a great day. Silviu Partin Bracket Global LLC


Level 10
Hi Doug, Great suggestion! I've added it to the new "http://ddh.my.workfront.com/report/public/view?publicToken=cJC39KazDMyl5tJVSWFgiyVNJctelp14yRATPbVzoMoKFXEYuICk2BnLtAKI0nYbLFABYDMZIB5C3yHVZojbm8VPRSqmMsK-&endcap" WFPro Text Mode Library instead of the WFPro WordPress since we're heading to the Workfront-based solution anyway. You can tweak the language as needed since I've you (and fellow WARPers) rights to the package. Thanks, Narayan Narayan Raum Workfront Delivery Lead - SunTrust Bank https://wf-pro.com for Text Mode & Solutions