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Percentage of Late Projects


Level 7
HI, Does anyone have a slick method or expression for reporting on the percentage of Active projects in the system that are Progress Status=Late. I would love to have a Gauge chart to show the percentage of projects that are late. Thanks in advance for any ideas. Regards, Steven Hirsch The Estee Lauder Companies Inc

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2 Replies


Level 8
Hi Steven, You could create a project report with filters for Project > Status = current/live/active and Project > Progress Status = Late and then go to the chart tab and add a gauge visual. Did you try something like that? Kirsten Heikkinen Trek Bicycle Corporation


Level 10
Hi, I tend to do a pie chart and put percentages I have also gone a little fancy and have a calculated field that does Yes or No if the project is late and then I do a bar chart based on that The calculated field is IF(Progress Status="LT","Yes","No") (Just remember, the expression doesn't recalculate automatically, only when the project is edited. So before any presentation to executives, I do a bulk recalculate on all projects to make sure. ;) Hope this was helpful Anthony Imgrund FCB