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New Workfront Home: comments?


Level 10
Has anyone seen the new Workfront Home at https://. preview .workfront.com/wfhome ? I couldn't see any recent posts about it, and I don't remember seeing anything in the past. If there is an existing post about this can someone send me a link? I did a search on Workfront Home and it either brought up too many posts, or just the one post with Nate and Jill that started 2 weeks ago. I was wondering if anyone has any comments. The first thing that I noticed was that it shows completed tasks, even though my "Show Complete" is not selected. On the right hand side, I'm not thrilled with the big orange button that either says Work On It or Done... I can't really say why, but it has something to do with how it shows up even on the Completed Tasks that I'm already Done with. And if I click the Done button it just updates the timestamp on an already-completed task (I hate that part). Thank you!! -skye
17 Replies


Level 10
I've switched it on just this afternoon. First missing thing I spotted - you can't see objects you submitted for approval to another users. That was quite handy as you were able to recall objects from there. Or get to a task/project to check how's approval doing. Dagmara Garwell BAKKAVOR LTD


Level 6
Dagmara, I noticed that same thing with the missing "Work I've Submitted for Approval". That was helpful. Skye, I couldn't duplicate your error with the new view showing Completed tasks/issues. -- Visually, I like the way the new Work List looks. I like the preview on the right side. I did find it weird that you could edit the Custom Forms information from the right-side preview, but you can't edit other object information like the main "Overview Details" (priority, planned completion date). I also missed that we can't customize the layout template at this time. We like how we can modify the My Work Cards to show relevant information like Priority, Description, etc. Vincent Goodwin The Capital Group Companies


Level 2
Hi Skye, Just yesterday, we turned on the new My Work experience in Preview, which we are calling Home. As an opt-in beta, this is a first look at the direction we are headed with the redesign of My Work and we wanted to give our customers early access to test drive and provide feedback. Since it is in beta form, there are still bugs and kinks we are working out. The development team is continuing to iterate on Home as we receive feedback, so we'll be adding new functionality and improving existing functionality throughout 18.1. The Completed tasks issue you mentioned is one the team is already working on as is the Work On It button on Completed tasks. Thank you for checking out the new Home and providing feedback. I look forward to hearing more as we improve the features. Thanks, Mandy
-- MANDY ANGER Product Manager "https://www.workfront.com/" style="background-color:transparent;color:rgb(51,122,183);text-decoration:none"


Level 10
thanks for the response! I figured I had missed something because I was out of office during the October webinars about R3, but this was a pretty big thing to miss! -skye


Level 3
We are very excited about the innovation happening around Workfront Home and appreciate your excitement. We want to make sure you have the best experience possible when we release the beta version into your production environment. As a result, we are going to postpone the beta version of Workfront Home until 18.1. Stay tuned for more information as we prepare for the 18.1 release. Thanks! (Reminder in case you've made it this far: the 17.3 release begins rolling this week as well. I'll be updating the blog with more details soon.) Carina Wytiaz Workfront


Level 10
Hi Skye - thanks for the heads-up. I like it very much on first glance. It uses the real estate well.....giving you a nice clear list of tasks on the left, and details from each task on the right when you click on it. It also responds a lot more smoothly than the old one. Nice work so far... David Cornwell


Level 2
Workfront, PLEASE don't implement this new "My Work" look. I have 300+ tasks, of which only 40+ are "Ready to Start"; I don't need to see the full list of 300+. Also, my team uses the "Recent Updates" and "Calendar". Please leave "My Work" as is OR try to find a good spot for the "Late" list. Thanks, Rob Robert Reid


Level 9
I agree - not being able to filter by ready to start will cause a lot of confusion and takes away a lot of the value of using predecessors. Drew Conklin Reliant


Level 2
Hi everyone, Thanks for voicing your concern about losing My Work. This is a new design experience we are currently testing out, we are not turning off My Work since we are continuing to build and iterate on Workfront Home. Eventually, when we have built Workfront Home to a level that meets the needs of our customers (yep, we're fixing approvals and work I've submitted), Workfront Home will replace My Work. However, there is still a lot of work to do on Workfront Home, which is why we opened it up as an opt-in beta. The goal is to make Workfront Home a location that users want to manage their work from, so all the feedback that I'm reading in Community, seeing in my email, and hearing from Customer Service is super helpful. Keep it coming! And, keep trying out Workfront Home! We're continually updating it, fixing bugs, and adding new functionality to meet and exceed that available in My Work. Thanks for all your thoughts! Mandy Mandy Anger Workfront


Level 10
Mandy, what's the best way for you to receive bug reports for WF Home? Is it through opening a support ticket? I have strong feelings about support tickets as being avenues where my users have an issue that we want to manage and find a solution for, but where bugs are concerned, we really just want to report them and then never look at them again. So I would want to be able to have the tickets be a place where bugs are acknowledged and the ticket is then closed out on our end (not yours, of course!). Thoughts? -skye


Level 2
Hi @Skye Boardman , You are correct, the best way to log bugs is through a Support ticket. That way we can track and coordinate the bugs coming in. Thanks for asking! Mandy Mandy Anger Workfront


Level 10
I initially started looking at this on 11/7/17 and had noted the following: 1) The left pane (work list) appears to be over-power the rest of the UI: It takes up too much space both in terms of overall screen width. It take up too much height. Seems like there is a lot of wasted white space in between items. Font used for the Issue/Task name is extremely large relative to everything else. The group by items should be delineated by use of a different background color than what is used on the Issues/Tasks and would also benefit by having the font appear in bold type print. Will there be an option to remove the new Task button for resources, to keep them from creating personal tasks? Allow the Task, Issue, or Request name to display in its entirely using "word wrap". Allow for custom View Groups to allow for meaningful groupings by the user. Change the font color or fill color so that Issues, Tasks, Requests are color coded. When using View Option = TODAY…it is not visually intuitive which one you actually clicked on to display this view. 2) The right pane displaying document first before anything else doesn't look too good, especially when only a single document is attached. Appears to take up a lot of space and leaves you wondering what you are looking at. The following feedback is from additional time we spent looking at this on 12/4/17; by this time I was able to spend a little more time playing with the configuration available for the new Home: Provide means to collapse groups on the left pane. If documents are displayed, do not let them take up so much space on the screen and give the user the ability to control where they want them to display on the right pane (top or bottom). Ability to easily reorder fields selected to display in the right pane. Currently, if you want to change the column or row order you have to delete and re-add. Drag and drop would be a lot better. Ability to customize label names displayed for the fields (Ex. Task: Planned Completion Date would be nice if we could change it to Planned Finish). Ability to display all or select status icons (similar to reports) so that a small icons could be included as hyperlinks to let the user know that documents, etc. exist for the item currently selected and use the hyperlink to launch them in another tab. Ability to edit any fields displayed in the right pane, based on existing security. For example % Complete, Actual Completion Date, Description, etc. The left pane will display up to 3 people but it is simply an icon of the persons profile pic. Trying to hover over the icons does no good. I checked the layout template to see if you could display all the assignments but you cannot Wasn't sure where to find new Work Requests for myself or for Teams I am assigned to. Approvals are missing; wasn't sure where to go for those. Also wondering if a calendar view will be available in some form or fashion. Would be nice if each user could configure to display there time using weekly, monthly, etc views. This is all we've done so far.... Admin Kelly-Wehrmann SSFCU


Level 2
Hi Everyone, Thanks again for continuing to look at Workfront Home and provide feedback. Kelly, thank you for your recent feedback. I'm happy to tell you that we have already addressed some of the issues you mentioned, including the size/white space in the left panel. If any of you are interested in providing some feedback on the UX direction for adding a calendar view to the new Workfront Home, please schedule a time that works for you for a short 30-minute call with me and the UX designer using this link,


Level 10
Lots of good feedback from others re the new Home screen. I'm very interested in the calendar functionality so have booked a time-slot to discuss. Thanks Regards, David Cornwell


Level 10
They've now added back in the Layout Templates the ability to specify per object the fields you want to show on the right-hand side in Home: What would be even better is if I could drag-and-drop these fields too ;) Jamie Hill JLL


Level 10
Some feedback for Workfront Home that we have noticed. People do love that it is one list instead of three different tabs and they can see if it is a task, issue, request, or approval. Would love it if Team Requests that haven't been picked up yet could also appear on the list so it is a one-stop shop. This is something we notice in the current My Work that we'd loved to be fixed in Workfront Home. If a task/issue is closed or completed by someone else (like the project owner or task owner), it should be removed from the list. Home now has an option to show completed work. Ideally, we'd love stuff completed by others to only show when that is checked. Our users complain all the time they see things on their list that they don't have to actually do anything on since it is completed already. In Layout Template, it would be great to have a type of text mode. We have a lot of people ask if there is a way to add Project Owner's name to the tasks. However, the only thing I can do is Project Owner ID. All proof approvals are showing up as Late. It is probably because the only date associated with it (currently) is the creation date. Ideally, we'd like the following: If there is a deadline, the proof move to the date of the deadline. If there isn't a deadline, the proof would be in today for the date it is created and then moved to Late after that. (i.e. I see it in Today for today but when I log in tomorrow morning, then it would be late) Speaking of proof approvals, we would love to have the name and hyperlink to the parent object. We have that currently in My Approvals and would love that for Home. (i.e. what project the proof is on) We'd love to have the Work I've Submitted For Approval back. It is great for our proof owners as well as people with access request to send reminders to people. Some bugs (we have logged these with support) Some in progress items are showing up in Today even though they are due in March, and yet some In Progress items are showing up in the right date (matches Planned Completed Date). Not sure what the difference is. Default fields only stay when you first enter a layout template. When I switched to another object (like Proof Approval) and then went back to Tasks, the default fields disappeared. In Proof Approvals, the Added field shows the date and time when the open was opened/refreshed, not when the proof itself was added Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 2
We would also like to see team requests incorporated into this section. The current UX for team requests in My Work isn't great (since it redirects you to another page), but it is helpful to see all requests in one place. Ideally we'd like to have users be able to assign themselves to team requests from this same page, but right now I'm not seeing those notifications anywhere. Harry Thompson Lowe's Companies, Inc.