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Report of all active projects for each team/group


Level 1
I have been tasked with creating a report for our Requestors that lets them see all the projects being worked on for their department. I tried adding filters such as Team ID equals $$USER.homeTeamID , and a few other combinations, but none of the filters I choose are correctly displaying what I need. Any help is appreciated!! Thanks! Dana Dana Strauss
7 Replies


Level 2
Dana, try the below. Project Report Owner>Home Group ID> Equal> $$USER.homeGroupID assuming all the owners of the project are the respective requestors and they are within the correct group. You would the have to share the report and daashboard(if applicable) If that doesnt work a few questions..... Do the requestors submit requests that are then converted to projects...if so, are those requestors sponsors of the respective projects they submit requests for? Are the projects in specific portfolios or programs? How is the ownership of the projects set up? -Elan Elan Nardi


Level 1
Hi Elan, Thank for getting back to me! It seems that the consultant who did the Workfront install for us confused Groups and Teams. So setting up a report using Groups right now wouldn't pull up the information we need. Here's how our system is set up: Internal departments submit requests to the Creative Services department (me and my coworkers). We convert the request to a project and take ownership of it. The requester is usually the sponsor, but not always. I have tried: Sponsor>Home Team ID> Equal> $$USER.homeTeamID but that didn't seem to work either. Thanks for your help! Dana Dana Strauss


Level 10
Hi Dana, I get this request a lot. Now, I actually like to use the Assignment Object type as it gives a much better idea of what work that particular team is actually working on (both tasks and issues). Let me know if you are interested in that. But if you'd prefer a project list, you might want to use the Project Users >> Home Team ID equals $$USER.homeTeamID filter. This will pull up every project that has a Project Team Member that has the same home team as you the person running the report. One thing to remember with this approach is that Project Team is not 100% accurate, meaning that someone might be on the project team but is not actually assigned to the project. We have a lot of project managers that copy projects and don't clear the Staffing tab before they reassign work. This means projects will sometime appear where no one is actually working on it. You can just have the Project Owner go back to the staffing tab and remove said users. With this project report, you might also want to have a column for Project Team so that you can see which team members are working on the project. displayname=Project Team listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(projectUsers).lists textmode=true type=iterate valuefield=user:name valueformat=HTML Not sure how many teams you have, but if you want the report to be a little more user friendly, you can create one for each team and then hard code the Team ID so you only see Project Team Members that are in that team. (Just remember to change the report filter to be Project Users >> Home Team ID equals [the actual team name]) displayname=Project Team listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(projectUsers).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=IF({user}.{homeTeamID}="REPLACE THIS WITH THE TEAM'S ID BUT KEEP QUOTATION MARKS",CONCAT({user}.{name}," | "),"") valueformat=HTML Hope this helps. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 1
Thank you Anthony! The majority of the assignments for our requestors are approvals and document reviews, so the tasks/issues are less important than seeing a list of the projects themselves. So the Project Team Member solution might be perfect. I'll give it a shot and let you know! Thanks! Dana Dana Strauss


Level 1
I have not had any success using the dynamic Wildcards (even though the teams are assigned correctly). I am able to make it work if I add a filter for a specific team, so I'm going to have to make multiple dashboards for each team. If anyone has any other suggestions (or feedback on what I am missing), please let me know. Thanks! Dana Dana Strauss


Level 5
Try this using "owner=home team ID" grouping: group.0.displayname=Project Owner group.0.linkedname=owner group.0.namekey=view.relatedcolumn group.0.namekeyargkey.0=owner group.0.namekeyargkey.1=homeTeam:name group.0.valuefield=owner:homeTeam:name group.0.valueformat=string textmode=true Jazmin Allen-Collins Analog Devices, Inc.


Level 10
Hello Dana, we do something similar for our Requests. Different departments outside of ours, open a Request (Issue). We take those Issues and convert them to Tasks. When we do the conversion, we retain the Request that was originally submitted. The Overview tab for the Issue will contain the object type and specific object that is used to "resolve"; in our case the Task. We create a dashboard for these Requesting Departments based on the Request (Issue). We can then include data using the Resolving Task in our Request (Issue) report. However, we use Groups. The filters for our reports leverage the Home Group wildcard and check the Home Group for the Primary Contact, this way Requester only sees Requests that belong to their Group. We maintain a one-to-one relationship between the Issue and the Task. I'm not sure what your situation is over there, but maybe this will help. You could do something similar, but in your filter check the Primary Contact > Home Team ID against the $$USER.homeTeamID. Then as far as your report detail, display the Resolve Project > Name, Resolve Project > Status, etc. instead of the report containing only information for the original Request (Issue) then they will have a list of the projects that y'all are working on for just their group. Good luck...apologies if any of this sounds confusing or is totally off base to what you are looking for...probably not the best idea for me to still be awake and online! LOL! :) Admin Kelly-Wehrmann SSFCU