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Need easier method of entering Planned Hours into project schedules


Level 10
Need easier method of entering Planned Hours into project schedules - our users are complaining its too burdensome, as the hours are constantly changing. To click into Advanced Assignments and update hours by role or resource - takes too long on long project schedules with 100s of tasks. They'd like a 'spreadsheet' type entry screen - see attached. Anyone have any thoughts or seen any ways to combat this?

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8 Replies


Level 10
Hi Katherine, I presume you can't set these hours via templates as they change all the time? If you wanted to do the entry/adjustment via another method, then I think Doug Den Hoed (www.atappstore.com) could be able to help write something which you can update, and which in turn updates Workfront via its API. Regards, David


Level 7
Is this because you have multiple people assigned to a Task? On a task view you can change the Planned hours in-line without going into the details, but I'm assuming that doesn't help you for some reason.


Level 10
Thanks David! Trying to avoid paying for a solution ;) Yes, the hours do vary on each specific project, as do the roles/assignments - so the template only helps so much. Its definitely impacting adoption for us as some of our folks are continuing to use their old tools b/c its faster to enter. sigh.


Level 10
Yes, almost all of our tasks have multiple assignments, so the user needs to click into the Advanced Assignments for every task. Its time consuming and impacting our adoption.


Level 10
For any product people that are watching this thread, a good compromise would be letting Planned Hours be an editable field on an assignment object type. ;) We could then build a report/dashboard filtered for that project where they could easily edit hours by individual. The reason it is frustrating is the PM is given something like "For this project, you have 50 hours of a copywriter". They now have to go through all the tasks in the project for that job role and edit the hours in a way that the total hours are 50. That isn't really easy to do currently especially since all of our tasks have multiple people on them each with different hours assigned to them.


Level 9
I'm watching... and I have the eyes of product. I'll make sure to pass this along, Anthony. Thanks for the explicit point-out. :) In Reply to Anthony Imgrund:
For any product people that are watching this thread, a good compromise would be letting Planned Hours be an editable field on an assignment object type. ;)
-Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:


Level 10
I would love to know what is coming regarding the replacement for the Team Builder / Resource Grid / Working On screens. I have tested the new Scheduling screen, but it doesn't yet cover the above functionality. One thing the new screen does have is the daily totals per resource. Perhaps it would be possible for an enhancement to show the total assigned hours per person / role for the project, rather than just a daily total per person. This screen could be filtered down to just a particular project and go part of the way to providing the desired functionality which Anthony is talking about. Regards, David


Level 1
I would love to resurface this ask, as it is an issue my team is also experiencing. Have there been any improvements in feature rollouts for this in the past year and a half that I may have missed? And/Or -- does anyone know if a feature request exists to vote on this? Thanks! Allie Durham