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Auditing Task Hours where User Is Not Assigned


Level 4
Hi All, I was inspired by some recent discussions about the EXISTS function in Workfront between Melinda Layten and others. I'm trying to use what I've learned to create a report of all tasks (or hours because I'm not sure what's simpler) that have hours booked by someone who is not assigned to the task. So far I've tried playing around with an Hours report in the following way (with no luck). Does anyone know how to do such a report? The end goal is for PMs to be able to track when tasks are being booked to when a user is unassigned. (The admins here do try to reduce this scenario by tightly controlling access to tasks, but because of the default assignment functionality access sometimes leaks through). Hour Report EXISTS:a:$$EXISTSMOD=NOTEXISTS EXISTS:a:$$OBJCODE=USER EXISTS:a:task:assignmentsUsersMM:ID=FIELD:ownerID EXISTS:a:task:assignmentsUsersMM:ID_Mod=in Your help is greatly appreciated! James Bender Jackson/JTS

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2 Replies


Level 4
Everything on the left side of the equation refers to your Exists object type, in this case user The FIELD: syntax on the right refers to the reporting object, in this case hour. So completely untested I would convert this to: Hour Report EXISTS:a:$$EXISTSMOD=NOTEXISTS EXISTS:a:$$OBJCODE=USER EXISTS:a:ID=FIELD:task:assignmentsUsersMM:ID EXISTS:a:ID_Mod=in However, that would actually read as the user doesn't exist who this hour is assigned to. Not quite what you are looking for. What I think you want is that the owner of the hour, doesn't have a matching assignment for this particular task. EXISTS:a:$$EXISTSMOD=NOTEXISTS EXISTS:a:$$OBJCODE=ASSGN EXISTS:a:assignedToID=FIELD:ownerID EXISTS:a:taskID=FIELD:ID So this says, that there is no assignment where the owner of this hour is assigned to the same task as the task of this hour. Please let me know how this works! -- Melinda Layten, Senior Consultant Work Management Improvement CapabilitySource - 2018 Workfront Services Partner of the Year Phone: (484) 505-6855 site: www.capabilitysource.com email: melinda.layten@capabilitysource.com - we simplify your work so you can run your business -


Level 4
Melinda, The second one works wonderfully (using FIELD:ownerID and FIELD:taskID against those fields on the Assignment objects we're querying for existence), and I understand, now, how the EXISTS operator works because of this example! Thank you much, this has opened a door to many new reporting capabilities for me. James Bender Jackson/JTS