hi, this is a Note report.
The person who posts the comment/update is known as the "owner" of the note. You would normally exclude this in a normal note report by selecting "Note | Owner ID is blank" while in standard mode.
When you convert to text mode -- like you did here -- you can easily recover by temporarily starting a new note report. Set up this additional filter in that temporary report, then switch over to text mode to convert this additional filter to text mode. Finally, go back to your current report to copy/paste the additional filter into your current text mode. (You can discard the temporary report.)
The additional filter should have looked something like this (if it doesn't, just come back and paste your screenshot so we can see where you went wrong)
In the case of the cookbook filter you mentioned, there's only one set of filters, so you can copy the lines right into it (anywhere in the filter section).
If you added any additional filter SETS (any repeating lines that are prefaced with "OR:") you would have to add the additional filter to all your "OR" sets as well. (hopefully that made sense, if not just post your code and I'm sure someone will help you fix it)