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Managing Tasks & Meeting invites for large Creative Dept.?


Level 2
Hello - hoping the community may help?, we're managing the workload for our Creative department (50+ persons) through WF, using simple project plans with tasks for Creative development Round #1, Round #2 and Round #3, these are assigned to the teams - no problem. But we found it took too much management in WF to create a task for each and every 'meeting' through a creative project lifecycle, and keep the task aligned with the Outlook invite, mainly as the meetings tend to move around so frequently, creative reviews will often be moved several times before they happen, it just didn't make sense to duplicate in both Outlook & WF. Currently, we are managing the meetings just in Outlook, but this leaves our Resource Manager/Traffic person needing to view two platforms to see what the Creative resources week looks like - ideally we'd like to view 'Assigned' tasks and 'Meetings' in one place - this would help especially in our weekly Creative WIP meet where we share the upcoming weeks workload, the schedule and all of the brief/review/presentation dates. Any thoughts helpful, i'm guessing this may be a similar problem you may have experienced? Thanks, PS. keeping you guys on this thread @James Kosmas Mike Crabtree Operations Director DDB Sydney
2 Replies


Level 5

I'm going to resurrect this as it is an issue for my org too. Mike did you ever find a workaround?


My department is increasing the amount of facetime our creatives have with our clients which means exponentially more calls/meetings. This is leading to utter chaos and complicating all our previously tried-and-true methods for balancing schedules.  A lot of the issues that I see revolve around Workfront + Outlook holding separate details and not talking to each other. Our traffic people are looking back and forth in both places to try and figure out when people are free to meet. And we have 3-5 people on all these calls so... its becoming ALOT to deal with.


I know Mike and I surely aren't alone here, while I haven't found any answers per se, I have found separate posts about this topic here and here.


I'm currently trying to build a Fusion automation to sync certain aspects of outlook and WF, but just curious if there is anyone else who has found a good way to do this?? 


@CynthiaBoon @LeslieSpier Maybe a topic for an upcoming chat when we have time? 



Love this idea! (And it came up internally during a team conversation this week. )


We'll definitely put this at the top of the list for tomorrow's session.  Thanks for the inspiration!