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Managing Discussions between Web Content & QA - Best Practices


Level 2
We are moving our Web team from a homegrown system to Workfront. The Content and QA teams were doing a lot of communication around issues found with either content or general functionality. We proposed that they can start to log all concerns as "Issues" on the project. The nice part about doing this is you can get an organized list of what's new, in progress or closed. The only thing the team did not like is that all of the communication done on these Issues move up to the Project Updates tab. Since that tab is used heavily by Project Managers, they were worried their communication would get buried. To avoid this, we offered up another idea, which would be to attach a Google Doc that stored all of this back and forth communication. Am I missing any other possible solutions and/or best practices? Thanks in advance for your help! Kim Lange Logitech International SA
3 Replies


Level 10
Hi Kim - Our teams had concerns about that when the QA moved into Workfront too. However, in reality, it turned out that most conversations for a bug where contained in one update (meaning people just kept replying to the one thread on the issue) so it wasn't that bad at all. There is also a note report you can create that separates tasks, issues, and document comments so that your PM can just collapse the Issue grouping unless they know they have an issue on their project they need to follow up on. Here is my presentation from LEAP. Pages 9-14 is the report I'm thinking might work. And based on your PMs' needs, you might want to remove the prompt and attach the dashboard to "A Project" in the layout template instead of in "Projects" like I have mine. We have had a lot of success with this report. Hope that is helpful Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 2
Anthony, Thank you so much for the advice! Good point that users would only see the one thread since it is true that most people would continue to comment/reply off of that original thread. I love the report too! I think that would be very useful. I built it per your instructions. Everything is working great, except for grouping by the Object Type. When I go to my Groupings and then Notes, I only see Audit Text, Audit Type, Entry Date, etc... I don't see Note ObjCode. Am I missing something? Thanks again! Kim Kim Lange Logitech International SA


Level 2
Nevermind. I just copied your code and it worked! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Kim Kim Lange Logitech International SA