Is it possible to customise the Kanban boards so each column is a type of task or category of task instead of the standard to-do, in progress, completed?
For example, let's say the Project is a marketing campaign. Columns would be "Events" then all events-related tasks sit under there, "Social Media" then all Facebook, LinkedIn-related tasks sit under there, etc.
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Hi, I think your best workaround for this is to dynamically intake items to your board based on the assignees, tasks, issues or projects you're looking for, then you move the cards to the appropriate column, like an Events column. The column itself doesn't have to be set up to bring in something automatically, it can be anything but you just may have to take time moving cards under it. In the top right of your Board, select Configure > Dynamically intake checkbox:
Then you can set a filter to hone your results of what is brought in as cards dynamically as needed on the left side of the Board:
Click any card's 3 dots to move it to a column:
More on this here:
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Thanks for the suggestion, @Madalyn_Destafney.
Does your suggestion require manually moving tasks to the respective columns? We'd like to automate this and move tasks to those columns every time a new project is created from the specified template. Could we create a Project template based of this customised Kanban board and assign tasks to the respective columns?
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Once you create your columns and set up a filter of what comes in as potential cards, yes you'd need to move the cards to column you want, but it's pretty quick in the screenshot I showed to click 'move' on a card and select column (instead of dragging). I believe adding column settings based on custom form fields is on the roadmap, but you're correct that it's not available at this time (only tags/status/assignees for dynamic column sorting right now).
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