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Is there a good way to reassign issues and tasks and projects in a mass way?


Level 3

We have had a layoff, unfortunately, and are trying to figure out how to reassign people. Besides reassigning issues and tasks assigned to people, we also need to reassign projects where things are assigned to a job role but people are available for staffing. Is there a good way to do this without going project by project individually?


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2 Replies


Level 4

For Issues and Tasks, you can create a report (either an assignment report or two separate reports - a task and a issue report) with filtering to pull in the tasks/issues that are assigned to a user (or a job role). From there, you can select them all and do the changes to them them all at once.

For projects, basically the same thing except you'll need a project report and filtering for the owner to equal the user(s) or job role you want to reassign from.



Hi Mavis,

We have a help article that helps go over assigning or swapping users via our Scheduling tool, please see here:


I hope this helps you out!
