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Filter by Task Assignments TeamIDs


Level 4
On a task report, from the UI, the system allows the user to filter on Assignment Users >> Home Team ID. In text mode this is 'assignmentsUsersMM:homeTeamID'. One user has one homeTeamID. The system lets the user select 'Assignments' as one of the columns to display (valuefield=assignmentsListString) . This consists of all the users (names) who are assigned to the task. This column may consist of one or more user's names depending on the task assignment. The system, however, does not allow the selection from the UI to display all the teams that the assignment users belong to. This is a collection field. The valuefield for this is TeamIDs (as in user.teamIDs). For example userA (teamID #1 and teamID #2) and userB (teamID #1 and teamID #3) are both assigned to task ABC and so assignment users TeamIDs should show in a column with the combines collection: '#1 #2 #3'. Has anyone tried to expose this value in a report column? My end goal is to get to the column values and then filter only those task where the assignment TeamIDs contains (_Mod = in) '#1' and '#2'. Sorry for all the details and thanks in advance for your help! A. Leslie

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6 Replies


Level 10
Hi Agnes. Firstly, that was such a well-written post....it's very clear what you know and want to do. Unfortunately, I think the issue is that from a Task report, you are trying to get and combine a collection (assignments) with another set of collections related to it (team names of assigned users). You may already know this, but following is a referenced collection which shows the teams of the assigned user for an Assignment report. I know this isn't exactly what you need. listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(assignedTo.teams).lists name=Teams shortview=false stretch=100 textmode=true type=iterate valuefield=name valueformat=HTML width=90 I actually expected that the above code would also work on a Task report, although it would only return the teams of the primary assigned user......but this doesn't work anyway! Perhaps someone else will have another solution within Workfront, but the only way I know how to do this is outside of Workfront, in Power BI (or similar). David Cornwell


Level 4
Hi David, Thank you for your input. Your sample code only lists the AssignedTo user's assigned team IDs. So if userA is assigned to team1 and team2, and UserB is assigned to team3 and team4 and both users are assigned to the task with userA as the primary assignee, your sample code will only return 'team1 and team2' whereas what I am trying to get to is to have the system return the team assignments of both users. The column should then return 'team1, team2, team3, team4'. Agnes Leslie


Level 10
Hi Agnes - yes, I was aware of that. I was just explaining that I don't think it's possible to do exactly what you want, and this was the closest I can get. Perhaps someone else will have a better idea. David Cornwell


Level 4
Hi David, Thank you! I am getting that impression too. Agnes Leslie Facebook, Inc.


Level 3

@Agnes Leslie‚ and @David Cornwell‚

I've posted in the Idea Exchange for adding assignedToHomeTeamMM and assignedToTeamsMM to the Search section for the Assignment object. Within the object, it already has options for Home Group, other groups, roles, etc. Please feel free to upvote.



Level 10

I'm looking to do something very similar, Agnes, and have been relentlessly trying different reporting options, including text mode - no dice so far. I'm looking into Collections and Exists expressions to see if they might be able to do the trick. I have a task report, whereby as part of my filtering, I want to see all tasks that are assigned to individuals who belong to the same teams as the person viewing the report (the logged in user...$$$USER.teamID). We have team managers, and reports that they need to review for their teams. If a manager manages multiple teams, I need to somehow filter the report so that it shows all tasks based on the many teams the manager and their subordinates belong to (not Assigned To Home Team, which limits the results to just the primary assignees home team). I'll let you know if I figure this out.