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Is possible to "follow" or "watch" an issue or task if you are not specifically tagged, assigned...


Level 2
Is possible to "follow" or "watch" an issue or task if you are not specifically tagged, assigned...
20 Replies


Level 10
We are currently working on this functionality, you are welcome to upvote this "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000959048-I-want-to-receive-updates-for-certain-work-items-?page=1#community_comment_115000715813">idea in idea exchange. Cheers, Anna


Level 7
I thought this was in 2017.2 and supposed to be in Preview?


Level 10
It is indeed. I've got the option to 'Subscribe' tasks in Sandbox.


Level 7
I have it now too. I don't think it was rolled out initially. Is there a way for a user to know/see who all is subscribed to an issue/task?


Level 7
I do see that in the update stream you can see who subscribed/unsubscribed. I don't see where you can see a list of those currently subscribed though.


Level 8
I'm guessing at some point they'll make some reporting capabilities around that so that we can generate a list of subscribers. I'm kind of surprised that the dev team doesn't develop reporting capabilities around these kinds of features just as a part of the feature release itself as most people are going to want some level of reporting around them.


Level 7
Does anybody know if there been any discussion/future plans about the ability for one to “follow”/“watch”/”subscribe” to a Project as well, not to just an Issue or Task.


Level 10
Hi all, Great discussions and feedback. Greg you are right, we did not have this feature initially for some technical reasons, and discovered and fixed that right after the preview release. This feature is still in progress and we will roll more functionality such as visibility to subscribers or subscribing to project comments with next Preview releases. If you have specific scenarios that you are going to use the subscribe feature it would be great to have you on the call. We have a story kick-off meeting on Thursday 2PM MST and I would love our dev team to hear how your are going to use this functionality as well as you can see how the upcoming features are going to look like. If you are available at the provided time please send me an email annagrigoryan@workfront.com and I will add you to the call. Cheers, Anna


Level 10
Reviving this thread as I'm now testing the subscription functionality on preview: Has anyone actually received an email notification from the subscription? I've subscribed to a project, made sure that on my settings that I can receive email from the preview environment (checked). 1. Made an update on the project I've subscribed to - no email notification. 2. Made another update, tagged someone. No email notification. 3. Logged in as someone else, made another update, tagged someone. No email notification. 4. Asked someone else to make an update on the preview site for the subscribed project. No email notification. Is there another setting I should be checking?


Level 10
Agreed with Polly. I just did a test on subscribing a project, putting update and i didn't get any notification either.


Level 4
Hi, I don't believe that email notifications are generated from the preview environment? I may be wrong though of course, it often happens... :)


Level 7
Yes, I received an email while testing the subscribing in the Preview environment. I noticed that there is another check box on the User edit page - "Receive emails from this test environment". So you have to make sure your email address is correct AND check this box.


Level 4
Well I never! Thanks Greg, never even thought to look there for email settings.


Level 10
Right! Thanks Greg, wasn't aware of that :)


Level 7
to add, I tested this for issues, tasks, and Projects and received an email for each update.


Level 7
BTW, did anyone notice that it's hard to "Unsubscribe"? After I subscribed to Project, Task, Issue, when I go back to any of those objects and click "Unsubscribe", it doesn't seem to take. However, after a while (a few minutes), it seems to take it (and shows I unsubscribed several times since I kept clicking the link because it didn't look like it worked.)


Level 10
Hey guys, Thanks for trying out! I just tested myself and did receive emails when subscribed to projects in Preview. 1. Can you make sure you have the following setting enabled in Preview under My Settings? 2.You will not be getting any emails for your own comments. You would need to Login As another user and post a comment on that project to receive an email. 3. Are you expecting to receive emails when you are subscribed to project but you post an update on task or issue under that project? Here are some more details around Project Subscription and how it is supposed to work. If you can't receive emails following my instructions, please submit a support ticket and I will follow up. Cheers, Anna


Level 10
You can as well unsubscribe it from the email notification you get about subscription.


Level 10
Hi Anna, I have the setting checked and have sent the update logged in as another user. I did not receive the email notification. I will send this to support. Thanks.