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I need a report to list all Active Programs with no Active Projects in them.


Level 2

I'm trying to create a report that will give me a list of all Active Programs that have only Completed Projects within them.  



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4 Replies



Maybe someone will have a better idea-- this doesn't require any text mode but does have a manual aspect to it. Hoping it at least gives you a starting place!


Build a project report and add the following filters and groupings, then manually look for programs with ONLY the complete status underneath it:






Community Advisor

Similar to Leslie's approach I would reverse engineer the report and start with a project report, add filters for the program/project criteria, then group by program name. On the summary tab it would list your programs that match the filter criteria.





Community Advisor

hi, this can be a program report. You would need to create an "exists statement" filter, or more to the point, a "not-exists statement," so your first step would be to utilize this knowledge:


(Please note: this article clearly explains how to look for things that are "missing" and this is what you are actually asking for. i.e. In order to filter for "only completed projects" you are actually filtering for programs where the incomplete projects are missing.)


To create the program report:


Step 1: How would you normally locate completed projects? Or non-complete projects?

For non complete projects, I would use a project report, and filter on "status equates with" = current, planning or on hold. (everything else is complete or cancelled)

Switch to text mode and copy this line -- you'll use it in your program report:

statusEquatesWith=CUR PLN ONH


Step 2: Create your program report and put in all your normal program filters -- in this case, you are only looking for active programs, so filter on Program / is Active / true


Step 3: Your exists statement "connector" starts out with:


I call this the connector because it will connect your program report with all the project information. Line 1 says "there exists a project..." and line 2 says "... where the project's Program ID field, is the same as the ID field in this program report"


Step 4: Your exists statement will end with your project filter, and the "not exists" modifier.

EXISTS:a:statusEquatesWith=CUR	PLN	ONH

 Please note the tab separators between each status.


Altogether in your program report filter:



EXISTS:a:statusEquatesWith=CUR	PLN	ONH

Line 1 and 2: I am looking for all programs that are active, PLUS

Line 3 and 4: in every program with an ID, there will exist a project with the same program ID, WHERE

Line 5 and 6: the project status is NOT current, planning, or on hold (i.e. the project status IS complete or cancelled)


Level 2

Thank you all.  I think I can do what I need now!