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How to filter report based on task status change date?


Level 2

I want to make the report with the filter of date when the task status changed to X, how do I do that as I don't see any option like that in the filter and there is no solution anywhere? 


It's such a basic function and we continue to struggle to use workfront like this.


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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi @Sidkarora - So, the best way to go about this would be to use a Journal Entry report. I attached a screenshot of what you might want to experiment with in the filters of the report, changing the statuses and time range. On the columns in the report, you can pull in the Task > Previous Status + Task > Status too to see the change.


Hope this helps!




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2 Replies


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi @Sidkarora - So, the best way to go about this would be to use a Journal Entry report. I attached a screenshot of what you might want to experiment with in the filters of the report, changing the statuses and time range. On the columns in the report, you can pull in the Task > Previous Status + Task > Status too to see the change.


Hope this helps!





Level 7

Hello @Sidkarora - If your focus is on a particular status only, let's say when the task status is set to "Complete". You'll have to create a calculated field and apply the formula. More details below:

Calculated Field: Date of Completion (set as Date or DateTime format)
Formula: IF({status}="CPL",IF(ISBLANK({DE:Date of Completion}),$$NOW,{DE:Date of Completion}),{DE:Date of Completion})