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How are you assigning layout templates?


Level 2
I'm curious as to how other organizations are assigning layout templates. Are you having any issues with layout assignment priority? Per WF documentation, a layout assigned to a users home team should take priority over one assigned to a users job role, but we're not finding that to be true. It's possible that I'm missing something. Anyone else have luck or experience with this?
7 Replies


Level 10
Hi: We only assign layout templates at the user level. We have different general types of users: 1) Portfolio Managers; 2) Project Managers; 3) People who work on projects and report time; 4) Third party vendors who participate in projects within WorkFront; We have a different layout template for each. When we create their user ID, we assign the layout template. We’ve never had a problem with precedence or conflict because, well, we only assign them at the user level ☺ Hope this helps. Eric


Level 2
Interesting - thanks, Eric. Out of curiosity, how many users do you currently have in your system? In theory we could go to user-specific assignments, but I'm worried that it will create a lot of overhead to manage...maybe I'm overthinking it.


Level 5
We have about 1600 users in our environment, across more than a dozen divisions or departments. Layout templates in a complex environment are one concern -- custom forms and fields are bigger concerns. Within the IT division, we've been developing a couple of standard templates for users based on their needs: Individual Contributors (analysts, system analysts, engineers, etc), project managers, and department leaders. We also have a couple of "special purpose" templates currently for one of our departments, adding a layer of complexity. For that department, it is simply an added tab in the reporting area -- all else SHOULD be the same. For other departments, we either have not been using the layout templates or have developed specific need templates. Since most of these are pretty isolated in their needs, it is generally low support. What we're finding now though is that as we mature, we are coming together more, and the old days of individual divisions having their own custom data elements has become more of a hassle to maintain and more confusion to the users. As such, we're now in a concerted effort to wind back some of the data fields and standardize. Don't make the same mistake we did -- standardize early. Multiple custom forms help enable that - a standard form for all required common elements and additional forms for department specific items.


Level 2
Thanks for the feedback, Marty. With the layour templates that you do use, are you assigning them to specific users, by job role, or by team?


Level 10
We currently have 185 plan and work licenses and 199 review licenses. I just completed my clean up for the end of September, so that is probably a very accurate number. You make an implicit point very well. If we had thousands, our model wouldn’t scale well. We’d assign them at the Team level, not at the user level. Eric


Level 10
We assign three layout templates; Planners - Project-focused reports W orkers - Issue/Task-focused reports R eviewer/Requestors - Shows a user all requests they've submitted and projects they're the sponsor of and approvals We do have a few flavors of each for specific teams when they've asked. One to take note of: If users have a layout template and they learn that they can use the custom tabs feature, any updates to the layout templates will override their custom tabs, which upsets them.


Level 10
Hi Jeremy, We have about 52 different layouts in our system. We are just one instance but have 12 different business units. The standard for each business unit is an Agency Admin, Project Manager, and Team Member. But there are some groups that work in ways so different or have different needs that creating a different layout makes sense. I'd rather take the time to create something that makes sense for that group of people so that they like and adopt Workfront. Layouts are assigned at the user level so that we don't have any issues with priority or which one trumps what. If there is only one person who wants something different, I will show them how to do use the Custom Tabs options especially if their agency is a little more "stable". Just be careful, as mentioned, if you do make a change to the layout, theirs custom stuff gets wiped.