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Grouping by role


Level 2
I'm trying to create a report that will group the tasks of a project by the role assigned. I tried to group by Assigned To -> Name, but nothing populated. I also tried to group by Assigned To -> Role ID, but the same - nothing populated. I tried to group by Task -> Assignments, which does populate the Role; however, it's not available under Grouping. So as a last resort, I tried to just sort by Task ->Assignments, but it wasn't sortable. I tried to add sort logic in text mode, but it didn't work: listsort=string(assignments) namekey=assignments querysort=assignments Does anyone have a solution? Thanks! Jen Jennifer Gulledge Elkay Manufacturing Company Inc

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4 Replies


Level 10
HI Jen, in your grouping, switch to text mode and try this, which has a customization on the valuefield and displayname: group.0.linkedname=assignedTo group.0.namekey=view.relatedcolumn group.0.valuefield=assignedTo:role:name group.0.namekeyargkey.0=assignedTo group.0.namekeyargkey.1=roleID group.0.valueformat=string group.0.displayname=Assigned To Role


Level 10
Hi Jennifer, Do you assign multiple people to a lot of tasks? If so, I highly recommend an Assignment report. That way you get all the tasks for all the job roles as well as easily see unassigned work. Example: Task 1 has a Copywriter and an Art Director. If I just do a task report, the task will only appear under the job role of the task owner. If I do an assignment report, the task will appear under both Copywriter and Art Director. (Plus Job Role Name is an out-of-the-box option for grouping in an assignment report so you can do charts and matrix groupings if you'd like. If you customize a grouping in a text mode, you can't use summary, charts, or matrix groupings.) Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 2

Hi Narayan, Thank you for the help. Unfortunately, this didn't get me the results I'm looking for. I think the issue is that the tasks are assigned to a Role, not a user. I'm trying to get a view in a Gantt of the tasks assigned to a role prior to assigning it to a user to see if the work load is achievable. I'm guessing that the assignedTo, roleID aren't populating because there's no user assigned. So the grouping returned No Value with everything lumped in one bucket. Is there a different field that you know of that I could group off of to get the results? Thanks, Jen Jennifer Gulledge Elkay Manufacturing Company Inc0690z000007ZiQeAAK.png


Level 2
Hi Anthony, Thanks for your help! This got me so close. I did get the results I wanted with the grouping; however, there's no gantt on the Assignments report. I checked report settings, and a Gantt view isn't a choice on this one. Any idea of how to get this with a gantt? Thanks, Jen Jennifer Gulledge Elkay Manufacturing Company Inc