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Getting Custom Calculated Data to Display in Group Header


Level 9
Good afternoon Reporting Community! I've got another stumper... :) Situation: I need to be able to identify whether various project milestones were met or missed and I need to display this information in the group header. The group is by project name. I have successfully created custom calculated columns to identify met vs missed with the following nested if statement (I just change the text the IF statement is looking for in each column to check different milestones). It works, on a task level. displayname=Validation Status linkedname=direct namekey=milestone:name querysort=milestone:name textmode=true valueexpression=IF({milestone}.{name}="Validation",IF(ISBLANK({actualCompletionDate}),IF(DATEDIFF({plannedCompletionDate},$$TODAY)<0,"Missed","Met"),IF(DATEDIFF({plannedCompletionDate},{actualCompletionDate})<0,"Missed","Met")),"NA") valueformat=HTML Now I want to have that display in the group header... I tried adding the following: aggregator,displayformat= tried compound, string and String aggregator.valueformat=HTML aggregator.valueexpression=used the same custom expression and... nothing...any ideas? Alison Wells Community Medical Centers

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1 Reply


Level 9
After sleeping on this, I was able to get it working, with a few tweaks. The first being making the true/false criteria numeric and the second being summarizing another field and copying the aggregator statements, then tweaking them. Below is the complete content of text mode for a working field, hopefully it will help someone else! aggregator.displayformat=atInteger aggregator.function=SUM aggregator.namekey=view.relatedcolumn aggregator.namekeyargkey.0=milestone aggregator.namekeyargkey.1=name aggregator.valueexpression=IF({milestone}.{name}="Validation",IF(ISBLANK({actualCompletionDate}),IF(DATEDIFF({plannedCompletionDate},$$TODAY)<0,1,0),IF(DATEDIFF({plannedCompletionDate},{actualCompletionDate})<0,1,0)),"NA") aggregator.valueformat=HTML displayname=Validation Status linkedname=direct namekey=milestone:name querysort=milestone:name textmode=true valueexpression=IF({milestone}.{name}="Validation",IF(ISBLANK({actualCompletionDate}),IF(DATEDIFF({plannedCompletionDate},$$TODAY)<0,1,0),IF(DATEDIFF({plannedCompletionDate},{actualCompletionDate})<0,1,0)),"NA") valueformat=HTML Happy New Year to all! Alison Wells Community Medical Centers