Hi Sydney, I think I'm tracking, can explain it, and can help. Originally, Workfront only allowed a single custom form per object. Then someone (cough cough) went overboard and invented a Project level custom form with over 1700+ parameters on it. So for performance (and sanity) reasons, Workfront introduced multiple custom forms and set a limit of 500 parameters per custom form. Although there is now a 1:many relationship, the historic 1:1 "categoryID" on each base object (eg the Project, Task, etc) still exists, and is in use, storing - as you discovered - the categoryID of the "top" custom form. Despite breaking parameters up across Custom Forms, Workfront does make all of them available for reporting (subject to the custom form level section security). So in your report, you can see what you need: the trick is filtering for it. One approach would be to use textmode and look for a particular categoryID or category:name among the 1:many Project Categories collection. It's a good thought exercise and can help strengthen your textmode skills. Another more practical and non-textmode approach is to filter for a parameter that would only be populated when the (third) custom form is present (eg Cyber Copy Date is not null). Good to know the former; but personally, I'd usually opt for the latter. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand!