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Features Request off of new release


Level 2
Hey folks, As WF admin for my organization, I'm seeing a few new functionality off of the new release that doesn't fit well with my team. So perhaps others might experience the same thing and would like to share with us and we can add it as a new topic in our next discussion. For me, the new email format is not working well because they have the oldest comments on top and the latest/newest comments on the very bottom. So end users are constantly scrolling down to the bottom of their notification email to review the latest conversation. What's your pain points from the new release that you would like to share? Thank you. -Peter Tran Peter Tran TPCi
4 Replies


Level 10
hi Peter, Mandy Anger (who is the product manager for this feature and others) is already monitoring the thread in Global discussions called "New Email Notifications format is confusing" (link below... I hope I did that right). Can we all make sure we add comments for that specific issue (email notifications with the newest comment at the bottom of the email) to that thread to give her better visibility into everyone's problem? "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?GroupId=151&MessageKey=5275353b-ac43-422e-a4fc-345303824015&CommunityKey=aaafaff0-5e4e-4e38-8903-f1f990935567&tab=digestviewer" title="Subject: New Email Notifications format is confusing">Subject: New Email Notifications format is confusing I'm always happy to voice my opinions here, but if there are any issues that you need a wider audience (more voices) for, the global discussions forum is always your best bet. :) Let me know if you have questions! -skye


Level 2
Thanks for response Sky. I did also spoke with my rep and they have informed me that they are working on revising that functionality. Since the Seattle User session will be hosted by Apptio, I was actually just trying to bring up topics for us to use as discussion points. What's the process for submitting ideas for the next Seattle User Conference in terms of bringing focus to certain functional areas? Thank you. Definitely agreed with you Sky, that if anyone needs their voice to be heard at a wider level, Global Discussion is the way to go. Peter Tran TPCi


Level 10
hi Peter, Good thought. I know there was going to be a survey sent out after the last meeting, and that this question would probably be part of that survey. However, I would love it if user group meeting ideas instead get posted to this group. So I appreciate you speaking up with this, here! I know Workfront is in a period of transition and introducing a new meeting coordinator and I would hate for anything to get lost in communication. Tagging @Carol-Lyn Jardine here--please introduce your person when ready. :) The next user group meeting is in Jan/Feb and I was actually hoping that we would be able to use it to discuss upcoming features (2018 R1). Specifically, I know we're all busy and don't necessarily have time to investigate or test all the upcoming features, or we may not have tested as thoroughly as other people have. In 2017, we had webinars on R1 on January 19. Depending on where we are on the timeline in 2018, and when the user group meeting was, I was hoping that Workfront would be able to supply a person to provide EITHER a more in-depth look at the features for 2018 R1, OR answer questions we may have from the webinar, and that we as a group would be able to air concerns for same. If anyone is still struggling with R3 from 2017, then this would definitely be a great time to bring those up as well. We do have a couple of months until the next meeting though, so in order to keep those concerns fresh, it would be more productive to make sure to pursue them in Global, and bring updates to the next meeting for us all to chew on :). Please let me (or all of us) know if you are working on issues related to R3 and need help in amplifying or being more effective in sharing your message with Workfront. I was also hoping we could talk Tableau into demoing any integrations they use between Tableau and Workfront, or how they use their data to create compelling reports. :) Seems like there was a lot of interest in the last meeting about Tableau. Lastly--my pet project--I do want to find out if anyone has a pet idea they would like to get upvoted. Remember what we learned at the last meeting: in order to vote you must be an authorized service contact with Workfront, so please make sure you know who those are for your instance, and get their vote commitment. :) -skye


Level 10
hey Seattle, did everyone catch the webinar today on new features? I'm trying to gauge interest in asking @Carol-Lyn Jardine to send over someone to clarify the upcoming features for us. There is a lot going on with resource management, and this may align with people's requests for some sort of resource management workshop. I also have a few concerns about the new Home feature. Am I the only one? Or should we get someone in so we can do a deeper dive in this area? -skye