Good Morning Mavis, For our company, this is what we do. Our HR dept sends a Notification of a New Hire or Term. The IT dept created New Hire Templates and Termination Templates. Once the HR noticed is received by the IT dept. The IT lead creates a project and uses our template for new hires, the template consists of approx 6-8 tasks. Those tasks are associated with our IT SYSTEMS team which creates email and network access based on the information given to us (normally we know whatever dept they are hired to get a certain type of access levels). We also have a task on this project assigned to Telcom, PC Set up, ( which comes from our IT inventory and he makes sure that the team member has everything computer related set up). Config permissions - this is another dept within IT that takes care of our applications that need to have permissions granted based on role, title, and responsibilities. These tasks are assigned on the template from several areas of IT that have responsibility with a setup. So if we have a term you can see the same responsibilities in another project titled Team Member Departure. We have close to 2500 employees onsite and telecommuters and offsite offices. We have one IT portfolio and the programs are set up yearly. We are able to measure the year to year growth and or decline with onboarding and terms. I also created a New Hire Template for the team member with all the steps necessary (using Workfront ) to get started at the company. The template consist of a project plan starting with profile info, ( I make them validate the info we have received is correct, and if they have a preferred photo to upload it themselves) Navigation Bar is a parent with 3 tasks associated, add items to your favorites, click on the help button (?) and review some of the help areas, etc. Next Steps - Parent Task Submit a request to help desk and order head phones ( our offered head phones are team members choice) Upload a document in your New Hire project Workfront Training Using Ascent (In general, I use the Ascent Training Project Manager Foundation for training ( each task has a URL link to each tittle training, with a description in each task.) this info makes the new hire successful.) Take the Ascent courses and break it up by your choice I have added 10 tasks - Ascent Training - Manage Reviews and Approvals - (each task has a URL link to each tittle training, with a description in each task.) Ascent Training - Project Timelines - (each task has a URL link to each tittle training, with a description in each task.) Ascent Training - Milestones - (each task has a URL link to each tittle training, with a description in each task.) Etc.... Add an update to each task and if you have any questions document in the updates sections Close - Parent Task Send meeting appointment to the manager to set up 1:1 meeting within 5 days of starting (this gets them engaged in using outlook, wf, and whatever apps the New hire is assigned). Ask the manager to share projects that will be assigned to you Move project to Complete project Congrats and Welcome to (Company Name) You can create any important info for your team members and list them out. Since we started doing this we have had great feedback, one mostly is... "I feel important on day one", "I had something to do on day one", and "I learned the tool without realizing it", "I was excited that there was something readily available for me on day one". I'm trying to make the onboarding process for our new hires so much more. Now this template fits our IT and PMO dept really well, but you can tailor it to fit several depts. and or make one and delete what doesn't apply for the new hire. I hope this helps add to all the experts that have chimed in. I myself have taken some info from Vic, Narayan, and others on this chain. Have a great day. Dawn 909.767.0017 IEHP Dawn Cejudo Sr. Application Specialist/Workfront Admin Inland Empire Health Plan Rancho Cucamonga, CA 909.890.5108