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Documenting changes


Level 5
Hi, we have been live for a month, so we are working on formalizing our support structure and processes. How do you all document changes to your fields? Like who requested the change, why, who owns the field, etc. Do you manage your documentation via Workfront or some other tool? (if other tool, what do you use?) Thanks Kristine Ross Empower-Retirement
1 Reply


Level 8
Some clients set up request queues in Workfront for changes to Workfront - including requests for training. It's perfectly capable of doing that, and having everything audit-able. If you structure your request queue, you could even look when you accept a request at what else might be impacted ('Okay, someone wants a change to a field on Form X. What other pending reqeusts do we have for Form X?'). The majority I would have to say don't have a formal system. They either have one or two sys admins who understand how it's built and the impacts that make the changes, or else they tend to leave it until enough requests build up to form a small project in it's own right. Barry Buchanan - WMA Work Management Australia