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Document added to Request after conversion to Project


Level 3

Is there a way to move a document from a Request to the Resolving Project using Fusion? We have cases where submitters are adding documents to their Requests after they've been converted to Projects. This is causing delays and confusion.


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8 Replies



Tagging the @Workfront Fusion 2.0‚ group as I know people in that group have done a lot with Fusion and might be able to share some insight.


Level 9

If it's not happening often you can use the move tool and just move the document from the request to the converted project.



Level 8

@Florence Crumpler‚ Same here! I have been toying with this for a couple of days, but the filters are never quite right. You can very easily move a document from the issue to the resolving project (and comments too), but the problem is, it will keep pulling in all of the documents each time an update is made to the original issue. I have not figured out the right filter combo to only pull in new docs. If anybody has an answer for that, I am all ears! The other thing is, when a new doc is uploaded to the issue - it is not recognized as an update by Fusion, even though it posts an update.

Here's where I am at though:

* watch events module looking for updated issues

* read a record for issue data

* filter for issues with resolve project ID

* read a record for resolve project data

* read related records for issue document data

* search module to identify each doc as a separate bundle

* filter for the issue documents that have an update date later than the resolve project entry date (this does not seem to work)

* upload document to upload the new docs to the resolve project

*MS email to send a notification to the project owner

It's close, but I can't figure out how to limit the doc uploads to only new docs. Hopefully that will get your started. I will let you know if I figure this one out!


Community Advisor

why would you not just do a watch events module looking for newly created document versions? (asking because I truly do not know. Are we trying to save on webhooks?)

edited to add: barebones, I think this works for me --

1) look for new docu versions and grab the document ID

2) read a record: document -- using the doc ID you just got, grab the issue ID

3) read a record: issue -- using the issue ID you just got, grab the resolve project ID and resolving object type

4) misc action: document / move: the ID is the ID of your document; the obj ID is where you are moving it, so the resolveProjectID; and the docObjCode is the resolvingObjCode

You'd want to clean this up a bit though, like put in your usual filters for making sure that there IS a resolveProjectID, error handlers, the whole 9 yards etc. Sometimes we also add a note (update) to indicate this was done, just so that if people get confused we have a paper trail.

You'll notice as well that I started looking for docu versions but decided to move the entire document by the end of the scenario. Since this is just a proof of concept so I can have a bit of a practice in fusion, I'm a bit undecided about whether to download and upload the document version or just remove it so the user doesn't keep compounding their error (also I got bored). Obviously your mileage would vary. Certainly it doesn't feel good to have two identically named files in your project... but that wasn't the original poster's question.


Level 8

This is fantastic... I go out and have a bite to eat (and possibly a few drinks) then come back to take a fresh look at it. I started with watching new doc versions, read the version for the doc, read the doc for the issue, read the issue for the project ID, filter for only docs that have an issue ID and a resolve project ID and then finally use the upload a document module to get the new file into the resolve project. So.... maybe I was channeling my inner @Skye Hansen‚ while working through this. 😋 I also added that email module back in to notify the project owner a new document was added.

2 things.

1 - there is a basic setting in notifications to alert the issue owner a new document was uploaded or updated. So, if your project owners are also your issue assignees, this may be the easier way to go.

2 - @Florence Crumpler‚ If this is too technical of an explanation I can clean up the scenario and send you the blueprint to import.

Team work, dream work. Let us know if you have questions... 😎


Level 1

Hey @BrandonNW I was working through something like this and wondered if you had a blueprint lying around I could import? I've got a similar scenario I need, but just needs a lot of extra filtering for custom fields being the trigger for whether or not an alert is actually sent.


Working on my own version now but I never turn down a good blueprint!


Level 8

Hey John!


We actually turned this into a Template in Fusion! I believe it is titled, "Copy documents from issues to already converted projects or tasks". The template is pretty vanilla so that may be a better start than my blueprint. I can send the blueprint if you would like that too, but I need an email address b/c the json format cannot be uploaded here. Let me know!




Level 1

Oh that's funny you mentioned that template, that's what I was framing my scenario in already! I'll keep plugging away on mine in that case as you're probably right, it's likely easier to whip vanilla into the cake I need instead of taking your json and trying to take out the extra.


Thanks so much for quickly jumping back into this old thread! Cheers!