Anyone interested in discussing this feature? Here is the link to the idea within the I-Lab for more detail:
I would like to learn if you or your users could benefit from this. If so, please respond in this thread.
Thank you in advance.
Thanks for your feedback, Benetta. That's the plan, to make this a system admin setting that can be both enabled or disabled.
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hi @Jeremy Flores‚
This topic came up with a client just last week. The client has PM's who use the copy feature often because it is the quickest way for them to recreate a similar project. But when they do this, it is causing issues with an integration and a custom field that PM's neglect to clear out during the copy process - namely the project number. Without this project number, they loose the ability to sync with the financial system and it destroys the integrity of the reporting.
Of course, turning off "copy" on a project would correct this problem but create another. So if, as an admin I was able to turn it off, I would want PMs to have the ability to create their own templates. Currently the client has not allowed users (e.g. trained them) to create their own templates for fear it will create clutter in the platform. However, its clear that the benefits of this, if having the ability to shut of "copy" are critical to efficiency.
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Hi @Colleen Grenon‚ - this is great feedback. Thank you for providing it.
If we move forward with this enhancement, existing planner access levels will not have copy project enabled by default (unless these access levels have been updated in the last two months). This means that your client would need to go back and enable "copy" manually for those users who require it. Is that going to be a problem for your client or do you have any additional thoughts on this?
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Appreciate your feedback, Colleen.
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Hi @Colleen Grenon‚ ,
we had the same problem and solved it by clearing those fields in Fusion if a new project has been created and has those fields filled. If you do not use Fusion, you could achieve the same by using the API.
Agreeing with others in that we don't necessarily want the copy feature fully removed, but it would be great to:
a) Have the ability, as Admins, to disable it (user, team, group levels, or even template level)
b) Have the ability to easily track when projects are copied
We've run into a bunch of issues when people copy projects.
Thanks for the feedback, Nick!
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