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Conditional Formatting Under Multiple Conditions/Columns


Level 4
Hello WF Community, I would like to see if anyone knows how to build a conditional format under multiple conditions/column on a report. The conditional format I am trying to set up is: If the Business Rank is null and the project status is In Progress or Planning, the Business Rank cell should highlight in red (to tell us a rank is missing) If the Business Rank is null and the project is in Idea status, the Business Rank cell should not highlight in red Right now I've managed for both rules to work, however, it is also now highlighting when the Business Rank is not null for projects In Progress or Planning. Attached are screenshots of the columns + the rule I set up. Does anyone have a solution they could share? Thanks! Nick Vivanco

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1 Reply


Level 1

Thanks for posting Nick! I have the same question. What is happening in your screen grab (and for me) is that the two conditions are being treated independently. So in your case, any project that is In Progress or Planning will be highlighted in red - no matter what.

I've tried looking at it in Text Mode and there's no obvious way to tell the system that both conditions must be satisfied in order to apply formatting. Hoping someone else will be able to help.