Hey, I was able to figure out a workaround to make this report work - if anyone has had similar requests, I wanted to share! First, I setup a custom form on the tasks that are the qualifiers for the report with a calculated field to display no if the second task is complete and no if the first task is incomplete: IF(CONTAINS("",Name),IF(CONTAINS("CPL",Status),"No",IF(CONTAINS("QPJ",Status),"No","")),IF(CONTAINS("",Name),IF(CONTAINS("CPL",Status),"",IF(CONTAINS("QPJ",Status),"","No")))) Then I used this filter on my report: EXISTS:1:$$EXISTSMOD=NOTEXISTS EXISTS:1:$$OBJCODE=TASK EXISTS:1:DE:=No EXISTS:1:projectID=FIELD:ID So basically, this report looks to see if any tasks have 'no' in the new field I created. If not, it will display on the report. :-) Sarah Nau