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Collections Report Filter


Hey All, I was asked to create a project report that shows the due dates of two tasks with the kicker being that projects should only show on the report if one task is complete and the other is incomplete. I was able to create the right columns, but I'm stuck on the filter. I am able to filter by either one task or another, but not both - below is what I have so far. I need to be able to add that the task 'final completion of construction' is complete. Is this even possible?? I tried adding AND:2 and AND:3 statements, but I don't think the software knows which mod goes with which statement so I get no results. statusEquatesWith=CUR statusEquatesWith_Mod=in tasks:name=Receipt of 8609 tasks:name_Mod=cicontains AND:1:tasks:status=CPL QPJ AND:1:tasks:status_Mod=notin Thanks! Sarah Nau
1 Reply


Hey, I was able to figure out a workaround to make this report work - if anyone has had similar requests, I wanted to share! First, I setup a custom form on the tasks that are the qualifiers for the report with a calculated field to display no if the second task is complete and no if the first task is incomplete: IF(CONTAINS("",Name),IF(CONTAINS("CPL",Status),"No",IF(CONTAINS("QPJ",Status),"No","")),IF(CONTAINS("",Name),IF(CONTAINS("CPL",Status),"",IF(CONTAINS("QPJ",Status),"","No")))) Then I used this filter on my report: EXISTS:1:$$EXISTSMOD=NOTEXISTS EXISTS:1:$$OBJCODE=TASK EXISTS:1:DE:=No EXISTS:1:projectID=FIELD:ID So basically, this report looks to see if any tasks have 'no' in the new field I created. If not, it will display on the report. :-) Sarah Nau