Hello, we are attempting to create reports based off of custom forms that are regularly updated by our project managers. However, when custom forms are changed within an object, the replaced data is lost unless pasted into the Updates section of that object. Is this data that ultimately gets replaced stored in a database that is accessible to Workfront clients? Or is there a way to have this data saved within our instance?
@Jason Young‚ when referring to custom forms being updated, do you mean that custom fields are deleted off the form? If that is the case, historical data that was once associated to that field is also gone. You can reach out to Support and ask for a data restore -- see instructions here: https://one.workfront.com/s/article/Restore-data-in-the-new-Workfront-experience-426806290 -- and they may be able to help.
The best way around updating custom forms would be to create an Archived Section (using section breaks) and moving all those old fields below, or creating a copied version. You can apply additional settings to section breaks so that only Admins can see those fields, that way the field data is still kept for reporting or tracking purposes, but not visible to your end users.
If you have any questions, let me know!
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@Jason Young‚ ,
@Doug Den Hoed‚ has a post with insturctions on how to create a calculated field that records a history of changes for a custom field. I seem to have losts my bookmarks and can't find the post now though 😣
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Thanks @Nichole Vargas‚ and @Kristy Musgrove‚ . We currently copy and paste the custom form information in the updates section of the project for this custom form, but was just hoping to find a solution that automatically stores the data. I will definitely see if I can find the post from @Doug Den Hoed‚ though. Thanks again!
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You can have those fields you care about automatically tracked in Updates by marking the "Display field changes in update feeds" per field on the custom form, BUT those automatic updates only show the New value. #sad
Thanks Kristy, and hi Jason,
I suspect the post Kristy is referring to is here, but also invite you to learn about our Automatic Weekly Status Reporting theory, and check out the "Guitar Hero" part of our Executive Status Report solution screen shot, which puts that theory into practice by visualizing historic trends.
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@Doug Den Hoed‚ thank you for the link to the Automatic Weekly Status Reporting post. I'm fairly new to using calculated custom fields and am getting an error putting in the following:
LEFT(IF(LEFT(,LEN(IF(ISBLANK({General Update}),"-",{General Update})))={General Update},Update History,CONCAT(IF(ISBLANK({General Update}),"-",{General Update})," (",$$NOW,") | ",{Update History})),2000)
The error states "Custom Expression Invalid". Any idea on what is incorrect with this expression?
Thanks again!
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Hi Jason,
I spotted an extra comma before the first LEN in your formula that might be what's tripping it up.
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