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Approval Processes ID - why not pulling all issue items


Level 3

Hi all,

I was wondering if you had a case of building an issue report that are/were subject of approval (specific approval name) and it did not pull all past data? I am using Issue >> Approval Processes ID = 'specific approval process name'. Is anyone aware of the definition of what it is supposed to show? 

Alternatively, does anyone know another way to show all issues that were a subject to a certain approval, regardless of whether they were already approved or rejected in the past? My goal is to see how many that undergo an approval from a specific group are rejected and how many get approved.

Please help:)



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1 Reply


Community Advisor

For the issues you think are missing from the report, perhaps those were before you had your approval process implemented? Or they were part of a different issue approval process? Try putting in more than 1 approval process in the filter. Or, to just grab all issues associated with an approval process, use 'is not blank' to grab all issues that are associated with an approval process.


Add a grouping for approval process name. You can also do a chart to show issues by approval process and by status (rejected, approved, etc.) to easily show what you're after.

If this helped you, please mark correct to help others : )