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4 hours downtime on CL01 planned to occur in the middle of our workday tomorrow!


Level 10
Hi, Workfront have scheduled a 4 hour outage tomorrow during the middle of our work day for database maintenance on CL01. The maintenance window is on Thursday evening in the USA but this is from 12pm to 4pm during the business day on Friday in Australia, and a little earlier in the day for our users in Asia. Needless to say, this is a big inconvenience and cost to our business, and I have asked for this work to be deferred (for us at least) to avoid us having a large number of staff sitting around for 4 hours waiting for the system to come back online. We also need a solution for the future so that such maintenance only happens during our weekend. Just putting it out there in case any other AsiaPacific customers are not aware. If you are also unhappy about this please let Workfront know so that we get some action. Thanks Regards, David
30 Replies


Level 2
Hi David Eeek just hearing about this now. This will cripple our business too. On a Friday afternoon. How can i confirm if we are definitely in Cl01? Any help greatly appreciated.


Level 10
Hi Melanie - there used to be a way to check. I think it was on https://trust.workfront.com/ however it's not there at this point. It's highly likely that you are on CL01 though.


Level 2
Hi David. Thanks for tbe prompt reply. They cannot be serious. Surely? 5 minutes maybe but not 4 hours!!!!! Ive emailed customer support and our rep to try to confirm our cluster. Any other suggestions? -------- Original message --------


Level 2
I have tried to call both US and EMEA support numbers with no success. Not connecting! Whats going on?


Level 10
Hi. I was actually on a webex this afternoon with a Workfront product manager in Armenia and she said all their phones were down. Perhaps it's a global phone outage for Workfront?!? Sent from my HTC David Cornwell PMO Quality Assurance Analyst M: +61 422 453 599 E: david.cornwell@pentanasolutions.com [ http://www.pentanasolutions.com/media/images/Pentana-Solutions-Sig.jpg] http://www.pentanasolutions.com/?utm_source=Emailsignature&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Emailsignat... [social] https://plus.google.com/b/102545672428646020884 [social] [social]<>[social]<>https://au.linkedin.com/company/pentana-solutions>[social]<>[social]<>http://www.pentanasolutions.com/?utm_source=ES&utm_medium=emailsig&utm_campaign=emailsiggeneral Pentana Solutions accepts no liability for the content of this email, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. ----- Reply message -----


Level 10
Good Friday morning East Coast USA time! What a train wreck! What do things look like now? Phone outage AND a CL01 outage? Ye gods! Eric


Level 10
Hi: How was this outage announced? I read every email I get, honestly, and don’t recall getting any communication from WorkFront on this exceptional maintenance window. Were it not for this forum, I wouldn’t know. Thanks! Eric


Level 10
Oh never mind. Monday night, very late my time: Scheduled Maintenance Reminder Workfront Trust Title: Scheduled CL01 maintenance. Planned Start: 5/4/2017 8:00pm (-0600) Expected End: 5/4/2017 11:59pm (-0600) Affected Infrastructure Components: Workfront Status Locations: CL01 Details: CL01 will be temporarily off-line for database maintenance.


Level 10
Hi! It came on Monday via Status Notification (email).


Level 10
Susan - Please send me an email at eric.lucas@crowley.com< Thanks!


Level 10
Does anyone know what was done in the downtime recently? They called it "Database Maintenance". Anyone know what that means?


Level 10
Hi Melanie. I just created "https://community.workfront.com/p/fo/st/thread=1703&posted=1">this thread to explain how to find out what cluster your domain is on. Regards, Doug


Level 2
Note on the Trust site that the Thursday Maintenance window is planned now. I talked to Workfront about this yesterday and sent an email to a supervisor the help desk recommended. I've also communicated with our account rep that this is problematic for our organization.


Level 10
Hi: I found what they did was upgrade from Oracle 11 to Oracle 12. That’s it. No new code, no code drops, just a database upgrade. Eric


Level 2
" just a database upgrade." oh god. I'd rather not know..


Level 2
Hi all Thanks For the thread Doug. We are on cluster 1. I have escalated to our rep who will hopefully do something. How many users out there will be affected by this? Foster Moore are 220. Thats an awful lot of downtime! -------- Original message --------


Level 10
We have around 260 users. Fortunately around 60 will be asleep in Europe but the 200 in Australia and Asia will be giving their desks a good clean. Sent from my HTC David Cornwell PMO Quality Assurance Analyst M: +61 422 453 599 E: david.cornwell@pentanasolutions.com [ http://www.pentanasolutions.com/media/images/Pentana-Solutions-Sig.jpg] http://www.pentanasolutions.com/?utm_source=Emailsignature&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Emailsignat... [social] https://plus.google.com/b/102545672428646020884 [social] [social]<>[social]<>https://au.linkedin.com/company/pentana-solutions>[social]<>[social]<>http://www.pentanasolutions.com/?utm_source=ES&utm_medium=emailsig&utm_campaign=emailsiggeneral Pentana Solutions accepts no liability for the content of this email, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. ----- Reply message -----


Level 10
Time to bring in some food and tuck into good food and conversation. Make it a social event. In Florida, we have Hurricane parties where, in the face of the possible destruction of all we have, we have fried chicken and beer (or stronger), sing, and dance, thumbing our collective noses at the forces arrayed against us, whose course we are powerless to alter. Eric


Level 9
Hey Melanie, I'm doing some poking around here on your behalf. Will let you know what I find out. -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:


Level 2
We run our service desk with Workfront. 5000+ employees total. Probably 500+ in APAC which are going to be impacted. Not to mention we went live on SAP in Europe this week and will have 24X7 activity related to that. /fingers crossed