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Request To Add 'UNDO' Functionality In Workfront


Level 6


WorkFront has no ability to 'undo last action' - in some cases this can be very troublesome - as it is quite easy to make a change to basic project behaviour, critical path and end dates.

An 'Undo' last change function would be very useful if the Project owner has in-advertantly made a change that has caused multiple activities to be impacted.

Even a - revert to last saved version function might be useful - at least allowing the project owner to go back to a version that they have already reviewed and approved with their team.



Level 2


This is absolutely needed. it could even be time limited, but give me a way to immediately undo my last action when I know I made a mistake.


Level 4


Agreed! An undo button is MUCH needed for those times a change is made accidentally and you dont recall what the previous field contained.


Level 1


Just giving this a bump b/c it happened in our environment yesterday. The entire project had to be scrapped and redone. If there had been an "Undo" function in place the project could have been saved.



Level 1


I've seen reports of this concern since 2017 and it has not been incorporated.  That makes me think there is a reason.  Considering the amount of pain NOT having it has caused to the many users, I am genuinely surprised.  What might be beneficial to the lost human-power hours wasted trying to undo concerns created at the click of a global button?