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Proof Emails Lack Workfront Information


Level 4


When a user receives an email of a new proof, there is no information about the document's location within Workfront. Clicking the link to the proof takes them to the ProofHQ site, and from within the proof there is no way to navigate to, or even information about, its Workfront location. For a user proofing multiple versions and/or multiple documents on multiple projects, this leads to a confusing mess.

Looking forward to more complete integration of the two tools, instead of just a Workfront wrapper (loosely) around ProofHQ.



Level 4


We have seen this issue as well. Our work around is to set up a Message in the advance proofing area inside the WF proof. We copy and paste the job name into this area and the approver can see it then on the email. I went into the PHQ side and typed a default line of information, changed the font to 14pt and made it Red. Then saved it permanently in PHQ. So, when the WF proof is loaded it reminds the person uploading the proof to "type the name of the project here" in bright red.

I like the option of having a link in the proof to take you to the live WF job so you can make updates to the job.


Level 5


We would love to see reference to the task in the proof email.

There would probably need to be conditions apply, as it's a great feature to isolate external reviewers from the Workfront task/project.

But it would be great for Workfront users to have a link to the task/project.


Level 1


I agree with all of these suggestions. It will be a tremendous improvement when the Proof can link directly to the project.


Level 8


We'd also like the ability to add task / project information. We'd ideally like to turn the feature on and off when generating the proof.


Level 5


I can't believe it's taken workfront so long to respond to this issue. It's not an idea its a basic usability flaw in Workfront.


Level 1


I'm very happy to see this is something people are raising as a concern! I reached out to support and the response I received was "It is functioning as designed". It's such an obvious design miss that I couldn't believe that was the answer!


Level 1


We have had our entire creative team request this. They create/review/approve many proofs a day and spend a significant amount time tracking down which project a proof came from. Having a link to the project in the proof email would save a significant amount of time and frustration. It will also help greatly with user adoption. We went live in October. Thanks!


Level 4


It would be extremely helpful to allow license users the ability to navigate to the project in Workfront from the Workfront Proof that was created in that project.
It would also be helpful to allow a license user the ability to compare the proof shared with them to another proof in the same document folder in the project. Currently the only way to compare two proofs in the same project document folder is to navigate to the Workfront project and select the two in the document folder. Would be more efficient to allow this compare feature from within the Workfront Proof without having to find the project within Workfront.


Level 2


Hello! I'm happy to report that in 19.1 there will be a contextual link to the document included in emails and in the Proof Viewer for proofs created in Workfront. By selecting this link, user will be directed to the Document Details for the proof and can see the parent object name and navigate using the breadcrumb as desired.


Level 5


Hi Mindy-

Please pass on my deep thanks to your developers for finally addressing this issue. One change I would ask for is that in the contextual link to the document included in emails please have it read "View project details". "View details" is not clear enough so I'll have to send out emails to all of my hundreds of reviewers about this and I know they will still miss it.