Description - The ability to create, update, delete, and de-activate issues, routing rules, queue topics, topic groups in bulk
How would you like the feature to work - It would be ideal if there was a "Master Dashboard" for Group Admins that you could create, update, delete, and de-activate routing rules, queue topics, topic groups and apply forms and then assign them to projects and templates all in one place in bulk.
Current Behaviour - When an update is needed or a new issue form needs to be added we have to manually add, update, delete, or de-activate the form, routing rule, queue topic, and topic group to over 1000's of projects and 100's of templates. This effort takes our team days to complete.
Why is this feature important to you - We are making implementation decisions based on maintenance burden and if we could have bulk action, we could better meet the needs of our users without having to account for days of work to make all the updates.