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Automatically Push Task Level Document Folders to Project Level


Community Advisor


Description - Documents added on the Task Level currently show on the Project Level by default; it would be beneficial for organization for the folder that they relate to on the Task Level to show on the Project Level as well.


Why is this feature important to you - We require folder structures on projects to organize documents, but don't want the users bouncing from the Task Level where they are completing the work to the Project Level just to put the document in a preset folder.


How would you like the feature to work - If a document is in a folder on the Task Level, it pushes both the document and folder to the Project Level and not just the document.


Current Behaviour - Documents push to the Project Level without a folder



Community Advisor


I'm surprised this doesn't have many votes. We want to promote the use of documents on tasks instead of in the main project but in order for this to be successful we need better organization. We have a template with task folders and were very surprised when we noticed at the project level everything is listed in one big chaotic blob.


Community Advisor


Thanks for the traction on this one @MoniqueEvans


We ended up doing a dashboard (Document Summary) on the project-level that lists the document name, other relevant details, and the folder name (via collection text mode) of the folder it's in on the task. Definitely a training curve to get users to look at the dashboard and not go straight to documents though!


Level 4




yes this is a big gap for me too.


Very confusing when some users don't have access to tasks - so we have to manually synch docs at a project level from the tasks.


Nice idea of a documents dashboard though