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Suspend Overdue Task and Proof Related Emails on Weekends and Holidays


Level 3


My organization is pretty good about not bothering folks with emails on Holidays or Weekends, however our Workfront emails still come through from the system even on days when we aren't open for business. This just leads to additional clutter in inboxes to sort through for users who are assigned to a lot of objects.


My organization is pretty good about not bothering folks with emails on Holidays or Weekends, however our Workfront emails still come through from the system even on days when we aren't open for business. This just leads to additional clutter in inboxes to sort through for users who are assigned to a lot of objects.


We have holidays identified in our corporate calendar in Workfront so the system knows folks aren’t working on these days. With that same logic we should be able to suspend emails on these days