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Share option for Tasks level on project templates


Level 1


Description - it is not possible to configure sharing option in project template's tasks.


Why is this feature important to you - This way I dont need to go to each task of the project and add/remove sharing permissions manually.

How would you like the feature to work - when create a project template, I would like to be able to sharing permissions on tasks level and this way it won't inherit from the project template permissions.

Current Behaviour - When create a project template, on the Tasks level doenst there is no option for sharing permission.

Attached file for reference.



Level 6


I believe sharing will automatically happen when you create Project using the template. You can only edit the sharing of your projects or tasks once there are created.


Level 1


No, you dont have the option to share permission on Task level when you create a project template, only in the project level. Then when you create a project using this template, on the tasks level will share the permission from the project (inherit), and you need to add/remove manually. I have detailed in the screenshot added to this post.