Wondering what the best Workfront Fusion scenarios you found helpful and a game changer from a Workfront to Workfront connection.
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Automatic reminder messages. We set them to a frequency and a customized message is sent out each morning and it's saved 2-3 hours a day for a user to search hundreds of projects and send reminder notifications. Another one is reminders to the stakeholders that their feedback is due in X days and changing project status if they miss that deadline to pull it out of the queue. This has saved 7-8 hours a week for the PM to search projects and chase requestors.
Hi all, I came across this post because we are considering Fusion (within Workfront) ourselves and are looking to evaluate cost vs benefits.
@KIMBERLYREA @KierstenKollins Your responses are vey helpful. Did you have a pretty good idea of the things Fusion could help you with prior to purchasing and implementing?
@WhitneyHi1 were you looking at whether to purchase Fusion or not when you posted this, and did you? If so, how has your experience been so far?
Thank you!
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When we first learned about Fusion during our Workfront implementation from our integration partner, we realized it was essential for managing workflows that Workfront couldn’t handle but were critical to our process. Our previous tool had functionality that we needed to carry over to Workfront. Our integration partner also highlighted additional capabilities of Fusion, which further convinced us to purchase it.
To justify the tool to leadership, you can calculate the value of your workflows for cost and time savings. As an example, this use case of automating a custom email send that was previously being done manually by the brief owner:
avg. hourly rate of the worker X the amount spent creating/sending a manual email X volume of briefs = cost savings
$40 X 5 mins (0.083 hours) X 1000 = $3,320
the amount spent creating/sending a manual email X volume of briefs per year = time savings
5 mins (0.083 hours) X 1000 = 83 hours per year saved
Currently, we’re not doing anything overly complex with Fusion for integrations, as I’m the one building everything in Fusion. However, even with the examples provided earlier in this thread, the time savings alone are a significant benefit based on the volumes that we have coming through on quick turn timelines.
I hope this is helpful.
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Super helpful, thank you very much @KierstenKollins
We've had Workfront for ~5 years and didn't use an implementation partner, so I'm not familiar with all the Fusion capabilities and what specific scenarios would save us time and effort based on our Workfront instance. Trying to figure that out so it helps inform our decision to purchase, and also so we can hit the ground running if we do.
I'll definitely take your cues on the cost/benefit.
Best regards!
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You're welcome. Here is another helpful post from the a past Workfront event if you have not yet seen this.
Making the Case for Workfront Fusion: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/workfront-fusion-2-0-discussions/event-follow-up-ma...