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Creating Events on a Shared Calendar from Workfront using Fusion


Level 3

So I'm trying to create an event on a outlook calendar that was shared with me using dates from a Workfront Object (task) using the module called Microsoft 365 Calendar > Create Event module.

What I noticed is that while the event is created on the calendar with no issue, is that the Start Date Time + End Date Time are always off (by several hours). 


I found this on the help page related to the module but I'm having a hard time understanding why I'd need coercion to set the events date / time to match what is in WF.  The format suggestion below also does not work (I've also tried parsing the date and time using the format below with no result.

Via: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/workfront/using/adobe-workfront-fusion/fusion-apps-and-mo...
Enter a single point of time when the event starts in a combined date and time representation. Use the format ({date}T{time}; for example, 2017-08-29T04:00:00.0000000.

An example - 

The task dates/time captured by WF and used in the module on the top image to what is set in the Bundle on the bottom image does not align.


Task Dates From WF.png





Task Dates Set to Event.png










Anyone has seen this before or found a workaround? 


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