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New Blog Post! Did you know you can include a webpage on your dashboard?


Employee Advisor

Are there numbers you pull from another system to include in Workfront custom forms? Do you want to make a Workfront request queue more accessible? Do your users regularly access a web-based document management system or wiki that contains needed project information?

Including URLs on a dashboard allows your users to navigate quickly and easily to live websites without leaving Workfront.

There are two conditions that must be met-the URL is encrypted (https) and the website must allow embedding as an iframe. If the webpage doesn't meet the criteria, it will not display in the Workfront dashboard. How do you know if it meets the requirements? You just have to try it out in a dashboard.

Click here to access the full blog post and to watch a short, how-to video for adding a Workfront request queue into your dashboard!

15 Replies


Level 5

Hey There,

Does anyone have any use cases they can share? This seems like a neat feature- and I'm trying to imagine how we could use this functionality!


Level 9

I created a filter in the Resource Planner that displays the resourcing for the user viewing it (filtered for "User.ID"), saved the custom URL and embedded that in the dashboard for a group of users.

I can't take credit for this idea, but also can't remember where I initially saw it.


Level 1
I'm embedding a request queue in a dashboard so requests and reports can be viewed within the same page. Amy E. Brock Corning Optical Communications LLC


Community Advisor
We've embedded a team's Kanban board at the top of their dashboard so they have one place to go to see their team's board and any reports associated with that work.


Level 10

On the "Huh!" side of the external page dashboard spectrum...

  1. Years ago, a client of mine linked to a map showing the local Lunch Food Trucks, which was wildly popular, and (I'm told) increased adoption
  2. For my oil and gas clients (where much of the work being tracked within Workfront was performed outdoors), we linked to weather maps
  3. Another example brought in a link to a local closed circuit camera so users could keep an eye on the color and size of the flame on the Flare Stack




Community Advisor

On my roadmap is developing a custom layout for auto-provisioned users in which the first tab they see is a dashboard containing only an external page. The external page is a tutorial, "Welcome to Workfront, here's how to get started" - covers basic navigation, search, and where to find/how to enter our most popular request types.

I've also made a very brief "How to use this Dashboard" that is about 250px tall that explains to novice users how to use a prompted report, which is displayed underneath.

If you like my content, please take a moment to view and vote on my Idea Requests: https://tinyurl.com/4rbpr7hf


Community Advisor

Doug's use cases sound like a whole lot of fun. But I have one group of users where William's use case is just Genius! We currently have them set up so the first report they see on their dashboard is a document report that contains their Workfront how-to's.

I am a bit concerned though with the New Experience, I haven't found a way make a dashboard the first thing users see when they log in. I'm hoping that's something that either is still in the works, or I've just missed it. But I've been hesitant to put the work into creating new dashboards as a first landing page if that's not going to be available in the New Experience.


Level 5
Hey Doug, Did you have any issues with external links breaking? Thanks! Miranda Rais GVC


Level 5
Hi William, Will this be an externally landing page - html5? I am very interested in your ideas on this. Miranda Rais GVC


Level 10

Hi Miranda,

Yes, I've hit both the problems Nicole mentioned in her initial post over the years: pages that are not "https" (or contain insecure content, such as an icon or image stored in an http location) do not render at all (or at least, not correctly and/or without a scary browser warning), and not all web pages allow themselves to be contained in an iFrame (most vexingly, about 5 years ago when Google Maps made that decision, so we had to switch to a clickable link to "pop" the map into a new window, vs embedding it).




Level 10

Hi Miranda,

I'm interested to learn what William was thinking for his roadmap too; but from my perspective, I am aware of at least three viable alternatives you might consider:

  1. use an image from within Workfront as a "header" of instruction on any given (landing) dashboard (similar to this post)
  2. use a third party tool such as JumpSeat or WalkMe to layer a "guide" on top of Workfront (or any web app)
  3. use data within Workfront itself to store and present the information that will teach people how to navigate and use Workfront

That last idea is the foundation of today's WFPro Live Session One, hosted by @Narayan Raum and is at


United States: +1 (571) 317-3122

Access Code: 473-726-421

As you're located several timezones away but I believe Narayan is planning to record it, I invite you check back on his original thread for a link to the video once it is ready.




Level 2
What an awesome enablement/adoption idea, William! Kara Trapp Manager, Modern Work Enablement - Customer Programs Workfront


Level 4

Is there a way to access the 2 URLs from the original post?


Employee Advisor

@Jordan Martinson‚ here is the original blog post


If you are looking for different links, let me know and I can look into it for you. @Kyna Baker - inactive‚ might also have some insight if the links you are referring to are not available.



I believe we've gotten the links all sorted out now! Thanks for looping me in.