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[Follow-up] Calculated Custom Fields Workshop


Employee Advisor

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Thank you to all who attended and participated in today's Calculated Custom Field workshop with the Adobe Workfront Customer Success team. There were so many great ideas shared in the chat, so I'll add those as replies below.

If you missed the session, no worries - here is a link to the recording (expired May 2024) and a copy of the slide deck with instructions and ready-to-use formulas is attached. We discussed best practices and tips for creating custom forms and walked through 3 calculated custom field examples:

  1. Identify the date(s) of status changes - use this to understand how long a work item was in a specific status (ex: On Hold)
  2. Link to a tab on an object (ex: Link to Hours tab -- creating a clickable URL for users "Click here to log time")
  3. Calculate the number of days between Actual Start and Planned Start or Actual Completion and Planned Completion

I encourage those in attendance to share the formulas and a short description of the calculated custom fields your organization uses so that others can take advantage! 

UP-LIKE IDEA [from Helen]: Save a custom report or list view as global View 


10 Replies


Employee Advisor

[From Karlton]

Custom Field Name: Days a User is Inactive

Format: Number

Calculated Expression: ROUND(DATEDIFF($$NOW,{lastLoginDate}),0)  


Employee Advisor

[From Monique]

Status Comments History Field.

TYPE: Text field

NOTES: Points to itself and a field called Status Comments

LEFT(IF(LEFT(Status Comments History,LEN(IF(ISBLANK({Status Comments}),"-",{Status Comments})))={Status Comments},Status Comments History,CONCAT(IF(ISBLANK({Status Comments}),"-",{Status Comments})," (",$$NOW,") | ",{Status Comments History})),2000)


Employee Advisor

[From Madalyn]

Custom Field Name: Project Entry to Completion field

Format: Number

Calculated Expression: ROUND(DATEDIFF({actualCompletionDate}, {entryDate}),1)


Custom Field Name: Project Current to Completion field

Format: Number

Calculated Expression: IF({status}="CPL",ROUND(DATEDIFF({DE:Date Went Current},{actualCompletionDate}),2))


Custom Field Name: Date Project went Current field

Format: Date

Calculated Expression: IF(ISBLANK({DE:Date Went Current}),IF({status}="CUR",$$NOW),{DE:Date Went Current})


Community Advisor

Thanks for adding for me, @NicholeVargas  : )

If this helped you, please mark correct to help others : )


Community Advisor

There's a lot of IFs in here but was fun to build.  Our mgmt wanted planned completion dates to show quarters instead of actual date as they tended to move...so instead of 2/15/2023, it would show 1Q/2023, providing wiggle room conversations.


Custom Field Name: Planned Completion by Quarters 

Format: Text

Calculated Expression: 



Community Advisor

That's cool. You could also accomplish showing grouping by the native quarter grouping for planned completion if you want? Even if you use custom quarters, it'll adhere to those custom quarters...

If this helped you, please mark correct to help others : )


Community Advisor

True, but this calc field allowed us to do a chart by those percentages, which was also something mgmt wanted to look at 


Community Advisor

Custom Field Name: Completion Range Percentage

Format: Text

Calculated Expression:  

IF({percentComplete}<"25","< 25%",IF({percentComplete}<="50","25-50%",IF({percentComplete}<="75","50-75%",IF({percentComplete}>="75","> 75%"))))


Level 1

Hi Nicole! Is the video available to view?


Employee Advisor

@ljorr16 Unfortunately, the recordings from our events only have a 1-year shelf life, so the link has expired. Based on customer feedback, this will likely be a topic for a future Scale Customer Success workshop so keep an eye out on Experience League! 

If you have any specific questions around the slide deck, though, let me know!