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[Event Follow-Up] Ask Customer Panel: Benefits & Best Practices with Fusion



Thanks to all the customers who took the time to participate in our Customer Panel on the benefits and best practices of Fusion! 

We are so grateful for their continued commitment to this Workfront community and their willingness to share their knowledge with all of us. We learn something new every time we meet with them! 


For those who missed the session, you can watch the on-demand recording here and grab the presentation deck here.  

Don't forget to register for the rest of the events in our multi-part series! 

And if you’re looking for more opportunities to connect with other customers, check out what is coming up for October! 

Additional events are being added to the Events page each week, so keep checking regularly to ensure you don't miss out.  We hope to see you soon! 

2 답변 개



If you missed the event, the chat was on fire!  Some of the best discussions and ideas come out of the event chat, so we wanted to share some highlights.  Quick shoutout to our brilliant experts that helped us out in the chat for this event, @ewanh, @JenDesmond, @SamTaylor and @Pete-Worth.  Y'all turned this event up to eleven! 


Q: We just got our Fusion provisioned yesterday - what should be our immediate next steps? 

  • We have one Team connected to our Sandbox environment for testing and one team for production to ensure that we are managing these and no impacting Production data.  
  • Let's start with Understanding an ideal structure for your Fusion Org and Teams.  Make sure you have someone designated as an admin, establish your naming scheme, check out templates.  
  • There's a tutorial series on Experience League that was extremely helpful when first learning Fusion.  
  • Don't be afraid to just try things! As long as you understand connections and use sandboxes for playing around, get into it!  
  • Also add Creating a user account in your Production for Fusion automations that you connect to. Helps keep it separate from user account data when we need generic changes in Fusion.   

Q: In the examples shared, are the Scenarios an automation & an integration?  We have base pkg with 15 automations and 3 integrations. Would we need to buy more?  

  • You can use routers and things to combine multiple automations into one – something like the examples that runs admin scenarios  
  • Depends on triggers and frequency really - the trigger is what tells Fusion to run (event driven i.e. 'when a request is approved, take action' or scheduled i.e. 'once a day poll Workfront for Projects that have a hand off date 7 days from now') but most of the examples would be separate automations. 

Q: Can you share the way you made the case for the cost of Fusion?  

  • To prove the cost – here is a very basic calculation. (time to do manually in minutes) x (number of times done) x (average salary per hour) / 60 minutes = Cost to company to do manually  
  • For example - an automation that took about 3 minutes to do manually and the team did it twice on every project and about 500 projects a year: 
  • That results in 6 minutes * 500 = 50 hours. If you can also get average salaries for the teams you can use that info as well. This one action will save the company $1,000 a year ($20/hr for 50 hours) 

Q: Is there a finite list, app-grid of all native integrations available in Fusion? 

  • It's always growing - there are the 'friendly' modules in Fusion that exist for connecting to platforms, and then for anything else there's generic HTTP requests that cover a variety of methods (oAUTH, API key, basic auth etc): if the platform has an API framework and your IT department is good with it, you can connect and start automating 
  • The connector list is available in the application and on experience league: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/workfront/using/adobe-workfront-fusion/fusion-apps-and-modul... 

Q: Do you need a dedicated Fusion admin to build and manage all those scenarios 

  • Some customers are in the process of hiring a fully dedicated Fusion admin. (Others are a department of one.) Most customers engage some additional support from Adobe Services where needed. 
  • Looking to add to your team? Check out the recording of our recent [Event Follow-Up] Learn: Making the Case for a Full-Time Sys Admin. The post includes resources and sample job descriptions. 

Q: Is there any documentation on best practices for testing/deploying changes to existing scenarios? Specifically if we are testing fusion changes in Workfront Preview, what is the best way to deploy these changes into Production? Would love to find best practices when there are lots of changes with multiple data stores etc. since our consultant had to do many tedious changes to move their updates to PROD.  

  • There is a lot to cover here, but at least one thing is always having a Set Variables module at the start of our scenarios where we put as much "dev vs prod" configurability as possible.  When cloning scenarios between teams (environments), you can then change things in a centralized module rather than having to go all throughout the scenario.  
  • Setting up teams initially for your environments i.e. Production Team and Development Team, and then using the Cloning functionality is a handy way to do that: you select the team it will go to and then from there get prompts to also clone the datastores or select those already existing within that team  
  • The easiest way to change connections between preview and prod is to use the Fusion Developer Tools available for Chrome. 

Q: What’s the best Fusion feature with Workfront and Marketo integration?  

  • The ability quickly and consistently set up programs/campaigns, automating even nomenclature so that naming conventions are followed, resolving tokens and even generating previews to load back into Workfront as a Proof. There are a bunch of options available for automating with Marketo. 

**Parting advice from the chat!**

  • A great way to start is to focus on the automation of Workfront-to-Workfront processes and then expand to other tools. 
  • If you don't have all of the rules, Fusion won't either.  
  • Fusion is a great vehicle for enabling process improvement: start with the problem, think of the steps to achieve the solution manually, and build/iterate from there. A good design helps massively 
  • It takes longer to plan than to build.  
  • for making the case. REACH OUT TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL USERS. Ask them what do they keep forgetting to do and what do you do all the time that feels pointless. I was able to get a list of 20+ things that could be WF2WF scenarios and then added how much time it would save yearly. Something that saves 5 minutes can easily save the company thousands.  
  • My biggest successes have come from complaints from individual users on what they feel is "manual." 



Level 1

Morning, really enjoyed the session. I had posted a question in the chat about connecting workfront to ChatGPT via Fusion, does anyone know if this is possible please? thank you