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Greetings everyone! We're excited to kick off today's chat with our experts, @NatalieM27 and @PatrickMu1 who will be taking your questions related to Agile features and functionality.
Are there plans to allow for reporting based on boards? If so, can you provide some details on what we can expect and when?
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Yes, the engineering team is currently working on implementing reporting for Boards and for agile specifically. The team is building out Cumulative Flow Diagram and Burn Down chart. I would anticipate this feature makes it into production between Nov - Jan.
And general Boards reporting should be available sometime in early 2024.
Can you please provide guidance on when to use Workstreams vs. just a Board.
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There are a couple of opportunities with Workstreams that you cannot accomplish with just a Board. Workstreams enables Scrum functions, specifically iteration building and tracking and also allows you to share a single backlog of cards between multiple Boards. In the future, Workstreams will likely be the best place to track real-time metrics across initiatives that are shared between multiple teams and/or Boards.
Is there a location where we can see known issues with Boards? This will prevent continuously providing feedback on things we see not working.
Hey Cathie!
The Agile team posts any issues that they are tracking on the Known Issues page:
But! Natalie and Patrick love when customers use the feedback button on the Boards page.
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Not on the list linked above. In Workstream/Iteration board, cannot add two people to a card although there is an +Add Assignment button. It asks to select User or Team, but when clicked nothing happens. Is this really a defect or am I missing something?
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Hmmm... I just checked with Natalie and Patrick, and that feels like a bug to them. Would you mind opening a Support Ticket on that?
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Hi there! @CynthiaBoon
We are trying to switch to more agile methodologies, but are struggling to figure out how to utilize the agile pages/methods in conjunction with the Workload balancer. Any tips on how to marry these two?
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Hi @lindselib!
There might be a couple of possibilities here. In order to address your question the best way, can you share what you need Workload Balancer to accomplish?
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I don't want to leave this unanswered, so I'll do my best. Fundamentally, Boards is really just a different way of looking at work, so you can continue to use Workload Balancer the same way you have been using it with your traditional view of projects.
When you want to bring Agile into the mix, you need to keep flexibility in mind. Agile is most successful when the individual contributors are empowered to plan their own work and pick up the next task they can based on priority. If you need data from Workload Balancer, just try to keep in mind that on the other end, a user will need enough room to be able to decide how to structure their work within a given time period (week, month, iteration, etc.). No matter what you assign via the Balance, make sure the end user has the information they will need to make decisions on what to pick up next and that they can easily provide information back up the chain to make sure everyone is clear on what is happening, what blockers there may be, and how that is impacting schedules.
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Sorry I was in a meeting!
I think the main struggle we have is hrs v points. Scrum team vs individual person's workload. We love the default "capacity" visibility on the workload balancer, that takes into account PTO and holidays. I haven't found a way to default those on either of the iterative planning views (boards or the "old" agile teams page).
We have tried to tackle through custom reporting, but its a struggle. Real world example as we transition to Agile, we have a newly formed Kanban team. We typically know we will need X amount of people to cover the typical flow of that Kanban workstream. But what if I have this intern available to help, that person out on vacation, and this person with a lot of meetings. How can I see the overall "capacity remaining" a team has- the sum of all their member's capacity. Does that make sense what I'm asking?
Hello. We loved boards view in Projects. However our clients are very interested in having checklists function for project tasks. Is this in progress for future releases?
Gunay Musayeva (Workfront Consultant at Tisson & Company)
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We will be adding a version of checklist items for Project Boards, but they will be tied to workfront subtasks. The functionality will be similar to checklist items.
Hi all
Can I ask a question about calculated field please? I would like to create a calculated field at job level to indicated if the job is going to have more acutal spent hours when it's finish. ie caluclation below,
(actual hours so far + planned hours for the reamaining tasks - ie planned hours where actual is 0) - total planned hours, at job level, if this number is negative, means this job is potentially going into loss.
hope that makes sense, thanks for the help
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@SummerBi I assume when you refer to a job, you're talking a project in Workfront. If I have misunderstood that, please let me know!
I don't have an answer for you right now, I'd have to do some testing with calculated custom fields and text mode columns. I will reply back to this comment (ideally by end of day) once I have a more a definite answer for you. Stay tuned!
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thank you, I'm referring WorkFront yes, job sits under project. thank you helping
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Just letting you know that I haven't forgotten about this ask, I'm still working on a possible solution for you!
@SummerBi Thanks for your patience on this! I wasn't able to come up with a exact solution that would provide you with a specific number - either in a text mode column or a calculated field - however, I can surface the two metrics side by side for you could compare to see if you are going to go over:
It's a limitation based on how Workfront reporting aggregates data, each line at a time, so you cannot take the aggregate value and use that in a secondary calculation.
If the above is something you are interested in, I'd recommend creating a Task report that filters for Task > Number of Children > Equal > 0 (so it only pulls in child tasks) AND Task > Actual Hours > Equal > 0. Then, group the results by Project Name and summarize your Planned Hours and Actual Hours columns by SUM.
For the Available Planned Hours column, you can use the following text mode. This will also apply the aggregate value in the grouping:
displayname=Available Planned Hours
For the column, Remaining Planned Hours on Project, you can use the following text mode:
displayname=Remaining Planned Hours on Project
Apologies for such a lengthly response - let me know if you have any questions!