You can request these surveys be turned off via a support ticket.
Caveat: Since it uses Pendo, all other Pendo functions will stop working. So far the only thing I know of that will stop working is the Feedback button on the Beta filters. But there may be more.
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@RandyRoberts for the heads-up about the beta filter "feedback" button. Yet another well thought out implementation, tying the two together.
*grabs bridge of nose and shakes head*
I really need to get in the habit of just marking my feedback as "0" and just gum-up the data that Adobe thinks is so important they are allowed to harass my users to get it.
Thanks, Randy! To add to this, we met with our account team and got a full list of items impacted if the surveys are turned off...
For us, the headache of leaving on this feature overrides any of those listed below, so we are turning ours off, as well.
a. surveys; both NPS and usability
b. walk through tours for new users
c. new or changing feature walk through tours
d. the Help menu in the main navigation bar does not expand; it sends users directly to Experience League
e. feedback buttons for beta features
f. deprecation notices
g. tooltips on select features
Hope this is helpful to other frustrated admins to be able to make the best decision for their instances.
Interesting, because that list reads like blackmail.
"All the other cool little help features which reduce the load on training and questions in small ways will also be disabled."