Hi Dave,There are two ways in which audience manager can integrate with facebook:1.Using facebook WCA integration.For more information,please refer to doc here:Facebook WCA Integration 2.Using people based destinations:https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/audience-manager/user-guide/features/desti...
Hi Miroslav,I am not aware of any such limitation. I was wondering, If I can retest the segment qualification. Could you please open a ticket on amsupport@adobe.com,so that we can investigate this issue further.Regards,Shweta
Hi there,Please refer to the below docs for information on cookies and how they are set.Cookies and the ID Service How the ID Service requests and sets IDs When it specifically comes to audience manager if we are deleting the cookie after logout ,the customer Id will be associated with a new cookie/...
Hi there,As of now it is not possible to add multiple traits via search drop down to fetch the general reports.However,you can definitely submit this idea using below link:Adobe Audience Manager https://forums.adobe.com/create-idea!input.jspa?containerType=14&containerID=5447 Regards,Shweta
Hello there,A cookie destination returns and writes data to a cookie in the user's browser only when user gets qualified for the mapped segment. Until and unless user gets qualified for the segment, it is not possible retrieve segment information.For onboarded trait,we need to make sure that user d...
Hello TimeIndicatorAs per our doc here, audience manager deletes user data from our edge servers 14 days after last seeing a user on the Audience Manager platform. If Audience Manager records user activity in within this 14-day cycle, we will keep this data for another 14-days. If the user becomes ...
Hi franciscor54562584In this case,I can only think of workaround which you already suggested that is create a trait of all users who didn’t give consent for those personalization destination (Target) or advertising destination (Adwords,Facebook...) and exclude them all using "AND NOT" operator in...
Hi franciscor54562584I don't think so that events value will be such that it starts and ends with same eventx. To capture a particular from the list of events,we can also build regex for that eventx.Regards,Shweta
Hi there,If we are onboarding Id synced data,then we can definitely use trait reporting to validate number of users.If the data onboarded is not id synced,then I am afraid it won't be reflected in device reporting.You can submit this feature as an idea using below link and our product team will def...