I am always getting the following error -
"detail": "The value supplied for the 'body' field does not match your input schema. Update the 'body' value and try again.",
@arijitg @abhinavbalooni - any idea on this?
Hi @AnujaBh - I also face the same issue now. Seems like something recently changed @abhinavbalooni - You have any idea on why the upsert is not working?
Hi @Shaini_Gupta - As far as i know, Its not a mandatory field, instead of ingesting null, you can do changes in your source system to not send this value if the value is null. Thanks,Arpan
Hi @MA1985v1 - You can create edge segment based on profile attribute or event data but there are certain restrictions on it. For example time window of 24 hrs. You can find more information over here https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/segmentation/ui/edge-segmentation.html?...
Hello @syeggidi ,At present, it is not feasible to export experience event data from AEP to any destination through the audience export feature. The only data that can be exported to any destination are the profile attributes. The inclusion of 'timeseriesevents' in the list of attributes is due to i...
Hi All, We discussed this with the Adobe counterpart and got the clarification that its not offered anymore. Client who had it available as a service before can still use it, but no new clients can purchase it. CC: @NimashaJain Thanks,Arpan
Hi @Michael_Soprano - These 2 fields are not mandatory and can be ignored when you are using individual profile schema. _id is mandatory for Experience event schema because it uniquely identifies the event. Thanks,Arpan
Hi @yumera - There are ways of exporting the entire aggregated profile. You can use profile export jobs or api to fetch the whole aggregated profile but please keep in mind there is a very limited number of calls you can make in a year. For example for B2C 5 calls per year per profile and for B2B 8...
Hello @Michael_Soprano ,Our goal is to exclude customers who have already applied for a credit card. To achieve this, we must devise a method to identify all customers who have submitted an application with a specific offer ID. The most effective strategy for managing offers as a lookup schema and l...