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Possibility to add segment information to the list of activated profiles to destination


Community Advisor



We created a segment in CDP and are exporting it to a SFTP server. While doing the mapping for export we see segmentmembership.status and qualification time, however i would also like to export the segmentid. Is there a way to do it?


I know i can export segmentid in the name of the file  exported, but i was just wondering if we can send it in the file data itself.




4 Replies


Community Advisor

Hello @arpan-garg 


Have you attempted to use in the mapping segmentMembership.seg_namespace.seg_id ?


Another option is within the file name of the file being written out to the SFTP location will be the segment_id.


Community Advisor

Adding it to file name is possible but the destination system wants it to be present in the content of the file. The first option doesn't work.


Community Advisor

Hi @NimashaJain  - I checked with Adobe and they confirmed its not possible that the moment. So we can mark it as completed.


