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is there a way to remove a profile from being a test profile?


Level 1

Hello, is there a way to remove a profile from being a test profile? I have list of profiles where testProfile=True in AEP that we want to remove them from being a test.

I've tried uploading a new list of test profiles by removing those that shouldn't be test anymore via AJO but doesn't seem to work.





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3 Replies


Community Advisor

Hey @saicilia 


You can try updating the testProfile flag to false for the profiles you want to remove using either a csv upload or using an update profile action in a journey.




Let us know how you go with it.





Level 1

Hello abhinavbalooni, thanks for your reply. 


Can you let me know the steps for using the csv upload to update the profiles? I had tried doing so but no luck. I downloaded the csv template in AJO for this purpose but there is no field to set the testProfile flag to false.


Here are the fields in the csv template:

Person ID,Email Address,First Name,Last Name,City,Country




Community Advisor

Hi @saicilia  - How many such profiles are there? If the profiles are not too many you can leverage the streaming api and set the testProfile flag to false


